Beto O’Rourke Interrupts Greg Abbot’s Uvalde Shooting Presser – “You all are doing nothing!”


Texas Democratic Gubernatorial Candidate Beto O’Rourke just interrupted Greg Abbot’s press conference on The Uvalde, Texas school shouting “You’re all doing nothing!”


“Former Rep. Beto O’Rourke (D) confronted Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) over gun control policy during the middle of a press conference Wednesday where officials were giving updates on the mass shooting at an Ulvade elementary school.
“You’re doing nothing. You’re all doing nothing,” O’Rourke told the officials assembled on stage.
One of them repeatedly shouted back, “Sir, you are out of line!”

The one who told Beto he was out of line then reportedly called Beto a “sorry son-of-a-bitch”.

You kiss your mother with that mouth, redneck?

The idiot standing at Abbot’s left shoulder said nothing, just stood there with a stupid look on his ugly mug.

Beto trails Abbot slightly in the polls as of now … but things appear to be heating up ahead of the general election.

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  1. No, the one with the you are out of line is the guy with the walker. The one that said he’s a sorry SOB was the I guess detective because he had on regular clothes. Anyway, this will go down in history as a moment of truth. It shows the gop drowning in their own filth. Good luck with that. This is probably the best presentation of evil and stupidity by the gop in years and really shows who they are. I’m sure most of the families involved would gladly tell them to stick their condolences up their asses and do something, anything to fix the problem. Do that in the name of these poor people.


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