Will Trump Implode the GOP Thanks To The Manhattan District Attorney?


Look, the title isn’t anywhere near as ridiculous as it sounds. I spent 5 1/2 years in that fucker’s toxic head, so I know of what I speak. Not only that, but I also did research, reading the psychiatrist’s book about Trump, reading Mary Trump’s book about her psycho uncle, and read Bob Woodward’s book to get as much insight as possible to Trump’s responses to pressure situations. I ain’t no slacker.

Let’s start with this. Both Kevin McCarthy, as well as more reluctantly Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, without actually saying so, have made it abundantly clear that the party can’t survive without Trump. It’s not so much because of his insane popularity in the GOP, polls show that slipping by the month during his social media banishment, but it’s his iron grip on the grassroots donor base.

Trump knows it. He has made it clear that with his e-mails, public pronouncements, and far right wing media appearances, he and he alone will determine how much goes to the RNC, and how much goes to his Leadership PAC for his own personal use.

At this moment, Donald Trump is in uncharted territory. This Manhattan Grand Jury, for likely the first time in his life, is something completely beyond his own personal control. Trump cannot scream, yell, threaten, or bully the Manhattan District Attorney. Nor can he threaten, sue, or threaten to tie up the DA for years in court. Not only can this Manhattan punk cost him millions, if not billions, and not only can he actually threaten Trump’s personal liberty and freedom, worst of all, the Manhattan DA can kill his ego. And this is intolerable.

Donald Trump does not have a firm tether on reality. Growing up in a seriously dysfunctional family, early in his life he began to craft a reality of his own, where he was always right, and where any sin was forgiven, as long as it served to further his purposes. But Trump was slicker than that. He set out to create a larger-than-life persona, one with no morals and scruples, personally of professionally, and therefore remove himself from authority. That was the Trump persona that catapulted him to the White House, the Ultimate Winner!

Donald Trump is an obsessive sociopathic narcissist. His entire reality requires him to be the center of the universe, and always, always correct. When anything actually threatens that, Trump goes off into a self obsessed protective snit.

Trump is not only obsessive, he’s also paranoid. Starting today, he is going to be obsessed with who knows what, who is Cy Vance talking to, what are they saying about him and his company, and it is going to take over his daily routine. Because Trump doesn’t live in our reality, he lives in his reality. Never the twain shall meet.

This is the worst nightmare scenario for Kevin McCarthy and the GOP. As this case intensifies, Trump is going to become more and more obsessed by it, and he won’t have time to scratch Kevin McCarthy on the head and tell him what a good boy he is. And as the pace intensifies, and Trump’s legal bills rise, he is going to start to squeeze more and more from the RNC share to his Leadership PAC to keep those legal beagles busy trying to keep his fat ass out of prison. Count on it.

It has always been a point of fascination to me that even with all of Trump’s various legal risks, the GOP never even considered the fact that there could come a day when Trump’s mounting legal difficulties would distract him to the point that he no longer had time to dick around with politics. Worse yet, that he wouldn’t be able to leave any cash for the GOP. Guess what boys? The waiter just rolled up, it’s time to pay the check.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. As Groucho Marx once said: “This bill is an outrage. You shouldn’t pay it.” Of course with Trump, all bills are outrageous.

  2. I never expected him to leave any cash for the GOP – look how much they spent on getting him elected in the first place, after he promised to self-fund.

  3. rewatching Billions on Showtime. Good kind of observations on what is happening on both sides. Prosecution and defendant. trump looks like toast to me.

    • Our country is already torn apart by politics. I really hate to think what will happen to the country if the NYDA indicted former president Trump. Everyone knows the NYDA said on day one when he took office that his only goal is to prosecute president Trump.

      • That NY/Manhattan DA is Cyrus Vance, Jr. who was elected back in 2010 so you might want to do a little basic fact checking before commenting. As for it being his “only goal”, even if you are confusing him with New York STATE Attorney General Leticia James who was clear about looking into the Trump Org during her campaign it wasn’t her ONLY goal by a long shot. If you have evidence, and by evidence other than some conservative talking head/asshole blathering a talking point, as in tape or a CREDIBLE journalist who has directly interviewed her and cites her saying specifically what you claim then cite it. Put up or shut up. Check that. Put up or STFU.

  4. But her emails…

    Wait, wrong phrase.

    What about the big mega donors, though? Don’t they still want their tax cuts? How does one learn whether they start backing off, because while the little suckers may either run out of money or stop giving to tRump, the big dollar guys keep giving directly to Republican PACs not through tRump.


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