BLM Just Kicked The GOP’s *ss


In all honesty, I thought I was done putting up articles for tonight, But when you’re a journalist, even a faux journalist like me, you don’t make the news, you report the news. And this blew me away.

In a very serious story, with tremendous implications for race relations in this country, the clock has run out. At 9 am CST tomorrow morning, in a courtroom in Minneapolis, Minnesota, jury selection will start in the trial of the officer who held his knee on George Floyd’s neck for nine unconscionable minutes, while he slowly suffocated. To say the least, tensions and security throughout the city are both heightened, and will only get more so.

Let’s be frank, shall we? Going into this trial, there are few reasons for African Americans to go in with the slightest confidence in the outcome. The board has been tilted. There vas conclusive video of a gung ho New York cop choking out Eric Garner for the grievous sin of selling single cigarettes, and he walked. An Ohio cop killed 12 year old Tamir Rice, within 5 seconds of arriving on the scene, for the mortal sin of holding a plastic pellet pistol. And how many videos have we seen of unarmed black men being shot in the back by racist white cops, including one who planted a gun at the scene?

Black Lives Matter decided to get an early start, so they held a march through downtown Minneapolis today, starting at the courthouse. And they held the best fucking march that you can hold in such a circumstance. They decided to hold a silent march. No speeches, no bullhorns, no angry cries for justice, they collected, held signs and images of George Floyd, and they marched. That’s it. And it was one of the most powerful things I have ever seen in my life.

Of course some of the protesters spoke to members of the media. And in every case, they were quiet, measured, and bordering on sad and resigned. They spoke of their fears that even with the incredible weight of the evidence, a killer cop would be let off as a result of an unjust system. Their quiet, dignified responses were a lesson in civility and grace. And they put the GOP to shame.

Remember, it was the GOP, in the wake of the shocking violence of the Capitol insurrection of January 6th, that tried to equivocate that violence with the violence of the BLM protests following the death of George Floyd. There was just one problem for the GOP. Sane news reporting showed that the BLM daytime protests were entirely peaceful and non confrontational. It was only after curfew, when the protesters went home, that renegades started busting shit up. But that simple fact never managed to break through the FUX News bubblesphere.

BLM learned their lesson. The jury selection that starts tomorrow is expected to last up to three weeks, and who knows how long the actual trial will last. BLM will be out in the streets, probably daily, but they will be quiet, peaceful, and gone before dark. Anything that happens after that isn’t on them.

Mark my words, this is going to play an important part in the 2022 midterms. The 30 and 60 second political spots almost write themselves. Clips of silent BLM marchers, walking peacefully down the middle of a Minneapolis street, followed by the images of vapid, empty eyed Trump insaniacs, breaking glass, beating Capitol cops, breaking through Capitol doors, and rampaging throughout the Capitol building with blood lust in their eyes.

This is not going to crack the shell of the FUX bubblesphere, but it doesn’t have to. The GOP is a minority party in the United States right now, and has been for a while. And polling shows that far right media vilification of the BLM movement hasn’t really had a significant effect on their public support. As long as BLM keeps their shit together, they are going to put the GOP into a very uncomfortable place. And if the senate moves to repair the filibuster, then, whatever happens, George Floyd will not have died in vain. And his young daughter will have been right when she told President Biden that Her daddy changed the world. We can only hope.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. Take a look at the actual statistics instead of going with what BLM tells you and you’ll see that more far whites have been killed by cop than blacks. Even though statistics also show that blacks are responsible for far more crime, thus having more interaction with police! Dont believe the hype take time to check for yourself.

  2. BLM and the NAACP are the spear head. They are a lot smarter than Republicans. Criminal justice reform is one of the most important things to be reformed or addressed. Until the organizations/people that can kill you with virtual impunity are neutralized this country is in danger. I am sorry, but I don’t have much use for cops and I am white. This issue could also bring about the reforming of Senate rules to reflect democracy and not some kind of class system that is un-American.

  3. Depends on the jury. If he gets off, I’ll join my local BLM to protest. (I’m white and fed up.) We all saw that knee on his neck. Floyd was murdered.

  4. So BLM is doing Everything Legal Now and what Happened in Seattle and Portland was just a warm up for them and The Democrats to cause TERRORIST Attacks with NO CONSEQUENCES! They are Using the Jan. 6th attack that was used to Blame Trump Supporters since they were there to Protest “Not Riot”, but BLM & ANTIFA mixed into the thousands of True Trump Supporters and I think They are The One’s that Broke into the Capital and of Course some of the Trump Supporters Followed Because They Thought it would be Ok Because “They Didn’t Actually Brake In……they Just Followed, But That Was Stupid and Now They Will Pay the Price! They Even Have Pictures and Statements that the one little Skinny, Loudmouthed BLM guy was Wearing a Trump Hat “But the Fake News” is Very Quiet about that Because They Have Protected BLM and The Democrats for the past 4 years! So Like they say Never Let A Chance to Blame Trump Go To Waist. So They are Still Pushing That Narrative! THE MAIN STREAM MEDIA HAS LOST ALL CREDIBILITY!!!!! RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, BLAME TRUMP BECAUSE HE CAN’T BE BOUGHT LIKE MOST OF THE DEMOCRATS AND SOME REPUBLICANS!

    • Do you feel better now? Maybe an all-caps rage tweet on Twitter would help? I wouldn’t know, but I know that your Dreamsickle Deity used to do that.


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