“We are The United States! There Is Nothing That We Cannot Do!”


Come on everybody, sing along with Murph! You all know the words! Come on folks! I have never been more positive about this country! We are the United States of America! There is nothing that we can’t do if we all come together to solve our most pressing problems! 

Stirring words from the incoming President of the United States, and popcorn for the soul of all of us who are sick to death of four long years of This American carnage! But they are still just words, and if there’s nothing behind them, then they are nothing more than a stirring clarion call.

But earlier tonight, on MSNBC, on two different shows, American Voices with Alicia Melendez, and The Week with Joshua Johnson, there were two different stories that graphically showed that maybe Joe Biden isn’t full of shit after all.

In the first uplifting story on American Voices in the days following the horrific attack on the US Capitol, it seems that a group of women found a common purpose. basically, they went to a specific dating site, which I will not mention, and for lack of a better word, went trolling. But they were trolling for a very specific sort of a dream man. Mostly, the sick, twisted, seditious son of a bitch kind.

When they had a likely candidate, they turned the subject to the Capitol invasion, and how dangerous and exciting it sounded. And of course, at least some of these testosterone soaked morons couldn’t resist bragging about how they had been there. The women of course immediately started showing the traditional chat room doubt of their claims, whereupon these idjits started sending them selfies of themselves in the Capitol building. After which, the women immediately forwarded the chat logs and images to the FBI, so that they could head on out and round these yahoos up! As a card carrying male I long ago learned the dangers of thinking with the little head.

The second example came from The Week, and it deals with a group of people, college students, techies, and at least one college professor that labeled themselves as problem solvers. And the problem was the coronavirus. They were sick to death of it. And so, as the federal government of Il Douche floundered, they set up an infrastructure in which they were able to administer more than 20,000 Covid tests to people in underserved minority communities in less than 7 months. And when the vaccines became available, they kicked into a who ‘nother gear.

Starting from scratch, they built, from the ground up, a mass vaccination center. And the beauty of it is that it is completely paperless. They built a website for registration that users have said is a dream. They input their required information, and then wait. When it is their turn, they receive a notification asking them to pick a convenient time and date. College nursing students pre fill the syringes, so that they can be taken directly to the injection kiosks, greatly speeding the process. The center is up and running, and provided a formidable 2,500 shots into arms in two days!

President elect joe Biden is right. We are the fucking United States of America! And there is nothing we can’t do if we all put our differences aside, and all pull at the same side of the oar. And after the last four years of American carnage, so much of this country is so ready to lock-and-load, and get the job done. As these two stories show, it’s already starting, and it will only get better from here. We’ll finally get through this. Just as we always have. Together.

If you enjoyed this article, you might also like to check out President Evil, nd the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange . They comprise a pretty much daily report from the front of the 2016 GOP primaries, as well as the general election

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. And then there are things we will never do. We will never have another Trump Friday night news dump. We will never have another Saturday with Trump as president. In a few hours, the last Sunday services to be conducted while this man is in office will start.

    I’m really into my inauguration countdown timer. I was too young to really note Clinton taking office, so really the only transition of the white house I’ve ever celebrated is Obama’s.

    Now if only next time a Dem talked the place of a GOP president the celebration wasn’t tempered by everything burning down. Both of those inaugurations are great, but they also sucked if you know what I mean.

  2. Refreshing and uplifting to see the focus shift firmly to Biden, Forward, not back. That’s how you know the American car has shifted from Reverse to Drive. “Community” rather than “I, I, I.” “Us” rather than “Me, me, me!”

  3. What a lovely piece of writing, Murph! It’s time to focus on the GOOD that’s coming, and put Drumpf and his ilk in the dustbin of history.

    I agree with Elizabeth – Thank you, Murph!

  4. When I watch those Nuremberg rallies & see 40,000 fanatics in worship of Hitler, who declated the Reich would last a thousand years, it remimded me of our situation. After all his success in europe, it was possible he could pull it off. Then one horrible event brought us into the war. Suddemly, all the unknown citizens, average folks, rose up. America woke up & ended the Reich after only 12 years. We then rebuilt the destroyed countries that fought against us. I knpw our history, like all countries, is full of evil examples of violating what we claim we believe in. Yet, when we are faced with crisis,here or elsewhere, Americans step up. I have zero doubt about the character of our country on the whole. We will prevail. We will improve our flaws. We will continue to be the lodestar for the hope of human beings on earth. Neither the nazis, the klan, the boogaloo boys, or anyone else will be able to keep us from rebuilding our country. You can take that to the bank. There are too many people of goodwill for them to succeed. This American ‘reich’ movement is getting ready to find out what the Axis powers found out in ww2. Wake the country & ur time is up. God bless America.


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