In Florida, Biden Goes For The Kill Shot


A day after President Donald Trump went to Sanford, Florida, on the anniversary of Treyvon Martin’s murder, to host yet another super spreader event, Joe Biden showed up to set the record straight. And Biden was a man on a mission.

Biden showed up to day to make his pitch, and in almost elegant poignant style, Biden pulled out his best secret weapon. He just used Trump’s own words against him. A new poll shows Biden up over Trump in the critical swing state of Florida 51-47, once again over the magic number. And Biden was there to close the deal.

Trump’s rally 24 hours earlier was a typical display of Trump excess, as well as a total flaunting of all common sense, as well as CDC guidelines. While the rally was held outdoors, at an airplane hanger, and temperatures of all attendees was checked, Masks were offered but not required, as was hand sanitizer. The crowd was packed hip to hip, while Trump was on a stage at a safe distance, although that didn’t save him from contracting the virus himself.

Biden’s two events, one indoors and one outdoors, were much more sparsely attended. Mask wear was required, and social distancing guidelines form the CDC were strictly in place, as well as local ordinances. But the crowd size didn’t really matter. Because Biden already knew that his words would go across television sets all over the state of Florida repeatedly, on the nightly news, and that was what really mattered.

One of the major reasons for Trump’s problems in Florida is the collapse in his support from senior voters, the most dependable voting bloc in any state. And Biden honed in directly on them in his comments. And he used Trump’s own words, widely broadcast and publicized, against him. To paraphrase here..

What did Trump say? His own incompetence led he himself to contract the coronavirus. And while he had it, he had the best medical care available, with treatments not available to most Americans, And when he came out the other side, what did he say? He said that, “The coronavirus is mostly gone. It hardly touches anybody anymore. It only touches people over the age of 65, with things like heart conditions.”

This is what your President thinks of you. You’re nobody. You’re not enough of the segment of the population to worry about. and that sound familiar to you? It sounds familiar to me. It sounds, like my family, and your President is ready to give up on us.

This is especially devastating on the day when the Washington Post reported, according to anonymous inside administration sources, that the official administration to the coronavirus is one of herd immunity. Basically, it means taking modest measures to protect seniors, and other high risk groups, while letting the virus run free among the population until enough of them catch, and recover the disease, and form enough personal immunity to snuff the virus out from a lack of new victims. Most conservative analyses of this strategy point to upward of 2.5 million dead by the time the virus burns out. Even the thought made the head of the World Health Organization to call a press conference to point out the almost insane dangers of pursuing such a strategy.

But then Joe Biden did what he always does when he’s at his best, and in his second speech, he personalized it. Paraphrasing again, Biden spoke to seniors in the most personal terms, at the most fundamental level

When is the last time in the last 7 months that you touched your grandchild? When is the last time you hugged them, I have two grandchildren that don’t live all that far from me, only a handful of miles. And yet, every tine I drive over to see them, I see them from the porch, while they stand in the driveway, or out in the yard. I’m scared to hold them, not only for the fear of contracting the virus, but for fear that they could contract the virus from me! Is this any way to live?

Biden has found the soft underbelly for the most consistent voting block in the country. I have a grandson, one that I haven’t seen in more than 10 years, and due to distance I may never see again, especially with this goddamn pandemic raging. And even at the tender age of 63, with my preexisting conditions of high blood pressure and lung damage from decades of smoking, I am terrified of the thought of never holding my grandson again. Biden has found the window to the seniors soul, and I am so glad that he is exploiting it.

Trump’s extreme narcissism, as well as his self contained bubble of self enrichment were always going to bring about his downfall. But his complete ignorance of the damage that the coronavirus has done to families across this country has only accelerated that process. As long as Biden continues to push this narrative everywhere he goes, especially Arizona, with it’s abundance of Seniors, Trump is dead in the water. 21 days left. GOTV!

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. I come from the demographic that is one step down from you, Murf, the mid 40 to early 50 range. Here in TN, that’s been the group with the largest number of COVID infections. As a result of this, I won’t be seeing my family for Christmas for the first time in five years, I refuse to step outside my door further than my complex entrance and I’m damn careful what I let in my house.

    Bottom line: I’m not dying for Trump’s herd immunity and look forward to handing him his eviction notice.

  2. “Y’all think I’m licked…well I’m not licked. I’m gonna stay right here & fight for this lost cause…even if this room gets filled with lies like these.” Mr. Smith Goes To Washington

  3. Biden was ON IT in Florida yesterday, thanks for taking the time to write about it.

    During the primaries, my priority was the candidate who could beat Trump…and I honestly didn’t know which ones could and could not. I was skeptical that Biden’s “elder statesman” approach would win over the voters we needed…but now we’re in a place where we need the older voters this appeals to. Who knew?

    Biden is the right candidate for this moment, and I have my fingers crossed for a 1980-style transformative election.

      • In case there was any confusion to anyone else…I didn’t mean that post as implying I didn’t care for Biden. I liked and admired all of the viable candidates…it wasn’t hard to accept any of them as future president, but it was hard to discern how voters would feel.

        As of last Feb, I thought a Warren appeal to practical progressivism and suburban women would work well. Perhaps it would have, but maybe not. I get excited about women candidates…the electorate is, sadly, kinda sexist.

  4. Mr Murphy thank you for all that you said. As usual you’re right on point. Like many other people in America, I have one child, a son who is 31 years old. Thank God for zoom because due to the covid19 pandemic, while my husband and I have seen our son through our zoom chats, we have not touched or hugged him in person since June when he made a surprise one day visit to NYC to see us for Fathers Day. Even then, it was a 1 day visit due to the covid19 situation in the city and the state he traveled from. This pandemic is HARD on families and traitortrump does NOT get it, nor does he care to get it and frankly my dear, he could give less than a damn. That’s why we need a landslide on November 3rd. He HAS to go, so that the rest of us in this country who WANT to live, can have a fighting chance to beat the covid19 situation that is currently making people sick and taking lives. Trump is done. In my opinion, he doesn’t want to live if he can’t continue to lie, steal from and con the American people and he knows that his jig is up. The cultists drinking the trump kool-aid at this point, want to die for him too. Why should we allow this monster of a evil creature-man to continue to run this country (a place that he doesn’t value enough to even pay taxes to sustain), into the ground?

  5. Last time I saw my grandkids – February. I’m angry. As they get older – so do I! Time is moving quickly. It didn’t have to be this way. Our lives have been f*cked by 45. Even if Joe wins in November – 45 is going to royally f*ck the country even more until 1/2021. Then after that, he will continue to tweet to his mofo followers. I want him to DIE!


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