Turns Out There Really IS Massive Mail Vote Fraud. In GOP Georgia


This is going to sound like an Animaniacs, and I’m sorry about that, but you honestly can’t make this shit up, and it really is the GOP at its finest.

The Georgia Secretary of State held a press conference this morning, in which he almost busted his buttons with pride. He announced that in the June primaries, there were actually 1000 people who double voted! The method just might tweak your memory. These people applied for, received, and filled out and returned their mail in ballots, and then they showed up on primary day and voted again in person. The SoS stated that this was a feature, proof that the Georgia election system worked as intended. He also stated that all of the cases were intentionally done, and that the state would be filing voter fraud charges.

They did not announce which party was responsible for how much fraudbut I think I have an inkling. Why would a Democrat fill out a mail in ballot, and then go and stand in the June heat for 8 hours to cast another vote? I find it much more likely what white suburban voters, with valet service in front of the polling places and no lines would be much more tempted to diddle around.with the primary voting.

Boy! Talk about stepping on your own message! Trump spends more than a week telling the sheeple to mail in their ballots, and then show up on election day and vote again. And then the Secretary of State of a Republican state comes out and announces that they just nabbed 1000 people for pulling exactly that lame shit. And by announcing that they plan to prosecute the malefactors, with the attendant legal costs and risk of imprisonment, it provides a chilling scenario for Trump supporters as to just how far they want to follow His Lowness down this particular rabbit hole.

There are two things to note here. First, the SoS stated that the 1000 incidences of voter fraud were out of more than 135,000 botes cast, which leads me to lean towards it being a GOP problem, since having no presidential primary on the ballot would tend to depress GOP turnout. The second thins to remember is that this incident took place in early June, weeks before Trumpenstein started touting it as a safety measure for vote integrity. But as a way of pouring cold water all over Trump’s idea with his supporters, it’s going to be hard to beat.

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    • Trump had KKKris KKKobach scouring the nation for voter fraud to prosecute in the wake of the 2016 election. As in past elections the actual amount of in person voter fraud was minimal, even with all the extra scrutiny and money put into finding it. Funny thing is, of the handful of cases KKKobach and his KKKrew dug up the majority were REPUBLICANS! Oops.

  1. Murf, I’m confused at where you arrived at the “135,000 votes cast.”

    Politico reports more than 900,000 votes were cast on the Democratic presidential primary side (the Wiki article on the Democratic primary indicates more than 1 million votes were cast just for Biden and Sanders) and more than 800,000 were cast on the Democratic US Senate side. The Politico article doesn’t list votes cast for candidates officially running unopposed (whether on the Democratic or Republican side) but Wiki lists Trump pulling in nearly 950,000 votes in the GOP primary.

    1000 votes out of 135,000 isn’t really that substantial a margin, especially for a statewide race (less than 3/4 of 1%) but, if you combine the Democratic AND Republican primary votes as provided in the Wiki articles, you’re then talking about 1000 “fraudulent” votes out of more than 2 million votes, then that’s just 1/20th of 1%. (It’s also a bit interesting that that “1000” “fraudulent” votes isn’t far off from the numbers that right-wing groups like the Heritage Foundation have touted in their NATIONAL reports of “voter fraud”–a number that happened to cover several DECADES of such fraud.)


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