It Was Over Before it Ever Started


When the Lamb opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature say, “Come!”  Then another horse came out, a fiery red one. Its rider was given power to take peace from the earth and to make people kill each other. To him was given a large sword.   Revelation 6:3-4

My apologies for my absence, the insane heat finally got to me out here, and I’ve been under the weather for the last few days. That, and the fact that I followed the instructions of The Drudge Report, which said that the only vaccine for the spread of the Trumponavirus from the RNC was a 30 pack of Bud Light. Applied daily.

I had originally intended to post this in the afternoon on Monday, before the first speaker took the stage for the Republican National Convention. But now, in retrospect, after the insanity dust is starting to settle, I find that it is more topical and prescient if it had been posted then.

The simple fact of the matter is that the Republican National Convention was dead in the water before it even started. Long before Rachel Maddow took the stage at 5 PM PDT to say that what we were about to see was not a political convention, but RNC propaganda. I had already caught the fact, and opined to Teri, that the networks should be released from any obligation to cover the next four days. The RNC graveled into session at 9:30 AM Monday morning, thereafter the RNC refused to adopt a party platform for the 2020 election, held the roll call of the states to renominate Trump and Pence for four more years, and then graveled out at about 3:30 on Monday afternoon. When the gavel came down, the Republican National Convention was officially over! The rest was window dressing.

But the Republican convention was dead even before the prime time cameras rolled. Any reputable political commentator, or political strategist, whether Democratic or Republican will tell you that an election on an incumbent is a referendum on the incumbent. If the incumbent is popular, that’s fine. But if the incumbent is not popular, then he is in trouble.

And Donald Trump is in deep trouble. Statistically he is one of the most unpopular incumbents in American history. And when you’re that unpopular, the only thing you can try to do is to try to turn the election into a choice election. You have to tar your opponent as so despicable that four more years under your guy are still preferable to letting the opponent take over. Which means that the candidate has to take the back seat to the opponent in the convention.

And Donald Trump was completely incapable of holding to that kind of discipline. After all, this was his convention, and he was the one being nominated for four more years, and the Democrats and everybody else could be damned!

When the votes were announced on Monday morning, Mike Pence popped in to thank everybody for the honor of being renominated. Easy enough. But it was nowhere near enough. Out of nowhere, Trumpenmstein pops out to bask in the applause, but instead of just thanking the delegates, Trump went off on a 50 minute Trumper tantrum. And while he took a swipe or two at Biden and Harris, he spent the majority of his time in a spontaneous rant about the lack of validity in mail in ballots, and warning everybody that the only way they could lose was through a rigged election! In other words, it was all about him!

That was the whole ball game right there. The RNC’s whole hope was to tar Biden as totally unacceptable, to take his own words and policies and use them against him, to make him too radical to even consider electing, but instead, the focus had to be on Trump.

Seven of the speakers at the Trump Propaganda show had the last name of Trump, and an 8th was the current dalliance of Don Jr. and who sounded like one of Trump’s suburban  housewives who had her Xanax wear off in the middle of the day. They all took their cheap shots at Biden and Harris, but had to pivot and spend the majority of their time extolling the virtues of El Pendejo Presidente.

It didn’t work. and it can’t work. The GOP must find a way to get Trump reelected, the RNC and the campaign must center on Biden and Harris, and make them unpalatable. But instead, Trump insists that all campaigning must be centered on him, and let him attack Biden directly. But it won’t work when Trump keeps flying off the script and freelancing.

In order to succeed, the GOP must make Biden into a worse choice than Trump.but that means concentrating on Biden. But Trump is incapable of concentrating on anybody other than himself. And as long as the focus is on Trump, then it’s a referendum election. And Biden is in the drivers seat.

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  1. Biden should call Trump a fascist traitor every time he gets a chance. Harris should freely elaborate on the comparison of Republicans and Trump and Mussolini and Putin. This would force the media, including FOX to talk about fascism and Trump’s treason.

    • No, no, Blue, Joe should follow the example of Osiris in Egyptian mythology: upright, moral, righteous and willing to let others do that sort of dirty work (in this scenario, Kamala is a good stand-in for Isis, Osiris’ loyal wife who ALWAYS played dirty for the greater good). He keeps his hands clean and Trump still gets slimed.

  2. How could it have been any other way, Murf? The man’s ego is like his perfidy: bottomless. And we, all of us, need to make what’s left of the Republican party pay for that insult, the latest of far too many.

  3. The only thing that really puzzles me, is the report that Blacks and Hispanics actually increased their support of trump after the convention. I can’t imagine they would fall for the cheap theatrics, but I don’t know.

    • Yeah, buy that shit only as far as you can throw it. Any gains there are minimal at best and likely will fade by next week anyway.

    • Things ARE a little strange now Colbert just had Chris Christi on and he says he is supporting DJT !!
      Interestingly, he does not condone a lot of Trump’s actions as he was explaining this strange position, and as Steve began to get hot on the 180,000 thousand deaths of covid-19, (Trump virus) Chris skipped across the number and said there were going to be some early casualties, fuck that, other countries that applied Obama’s plan to slow down the virus held their totals way down from ours, Trump has done exactly NOTHING to protect our, “We The People”, through Mary Trump’s ongoing book reveals, and her updated comments, we find that the flatulent turd is a COMPLETE FRAUD …. and Totally stuck in his pig shit, me me me me, in absolute terms …

      So Christi is is acting in unison the Trump Clan for the vote, but mentioned the only reasonable statement, “I’m for universal health coverage and pre-existing conditions allowance”, basically revamped Obamacare on steroids … since he is NOT burning Don the Con on his failed virus intervention, (none at all), I give him a D- ….

  4. The Hatch Act Violation Party? I’m mad that they put the *presidential seal* on the podium Himself used – it was not a government event, it was purely a campaign event, made worse when *Ivanka* spoke from behind it.

      • Assuming we can avoid falling for the “magic wand” theory that Trump is winning…I know that abuser’s game all too well and it’s shit.

  5. Yes, but … we, meaning Biden, had better get a handle on the protests or there’s gonna be trouble. We can mock the notion that no one gives a shit about the Hatch Act, but … no one gives a shit about the Hatch Act. And this country was wildly fucked up enough to ‘elect’ the POS once; they can do it again. The protests can move this from a Trump referendum to the choice we all don’t want it to become.


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