Trump’s Worst Nightmare Just Pulled Up The Driveway


Get OUT of there! The call is coming from inside the house!   Old horror movie line

If this keeps up, watch for things to start going downhill quickly for   Der Fropinfuror. Yesterday there was the gonzo roll out introduction of Biden and Harris as a team. It seems that it was well received, but it was just the first step. Today came step two, and it did Trump no favors, in fact it hit him where he is most vulnerable.

Earlier this morning we got video of Biden and Harris, sitting socially distanced at a conference table, getting an economic and scientific update concerning the ravages of the coronavirus. And then about an hour ago, the two of them came out to say something about it. And Biden wasn’t dicking around. He came right out and called for a national mask order for the next three months, appealing to each Governor to put it in place. He then went on to offer the start of a plan to hire 100,000 contact tracers, fast 10 million test kits to where they’re needed the most, and hike production and distribution of the PPE’s that are still in short supply. Then Kamala Harris praised Biden for his leadership, and then went on the attack. She directly challenged Trump, and told people to hold Trump personally responsible for providing an actual specific date when vaccinations would begin, since he seems to have so much secret information on this shit.

I cannot tell you how damaging this is for Trump. Say what you want about Trump, but no matter how terrible he has been, for the last 3 1/2 years he has had a secret weapon. Sure, maybe lots of people started having buyers remorse by March, and wished they had voted cor Clinton instead, but what difference did that make. With the atrocities of Trump, the memories of what a well disciplined and oiled White House operation under Barack Obama were quickly lost in the haze. But for 3 1/2 years, Trump’s behavior has just been what it was, with no yardstick for comparison.

But that just changed, and hopefully for good. In less than 24 hours, the American people just got a double shot espresso jolt of what actual Presidential leadership looks like. A calm, confident, competent leader, laying out a comprehensive plan to deal with a national emergency, and reminding Americans that they don’t just have personal freedom, they also have personal responsibility to their fellow Americans. This followed up by a Vice Presidential candidate who reminds everybody that this is what leadership looks like, since they haven’t seen it in almost 4 years. And then challenges the current administration to step up to the plate.

And as bad as this sudden ability to contrast Trump’s performance is for Trump, it’s equally bad, if not worse for the vulnerable GOP incumbents in the Senate. democratic challengers can highlight Biden’s obvious competence when compared to Trump, and then highlight the slavish compliance of the incumbent to the current president for the last 4 years. They haven’t separated themselves from Trump yet, will they finally start to peel away in panic now?

When you look at polling, the top two sentiments expressed by voters for their motivations in the upcoming election are to get trump out of office, and for a return to normalcy. Well, for the first time in 4 years, people are getting the chance to see for themselves what normalcy looks, sounds, and feels like. And  if Biden and Harris can keep up this kind of a schedule going. Then by the middle of September, Trump may well be looking back on his impeachment as the good old days. Don’t touch that dial.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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  1. The GOP -T senators don’t seem to be in any hurry to preserve their own voters. They’ve done nothing useful in the last three months, and don’t want to do anything in the next three, either.

    • That’s one of the most telling things, repugs have accomplished nothing beyond stacking the courts with the most extreme, unprincipled and incompetent ‘jurists’ and tax cuts for the uber rich. That and going on defense for the orange POS taking up space in the WH. Other than that? Jobs? Economy? Health? Climate? Security? Nothing that moves us forward as a nation. Repugs got nothing and it shows!

  2. Biden, Harris and almost all Democrats (there’s that crazy lady in FL that will hopefully lose her primary) go looking for actual experts on a given subject when they want to form or evaluate the effectiveness of policy. Trump goes to blowhard talking heads on Fox. In less than four years we’ve seen what having Hannity, Ingram, Pirro and the combo of Fox & Friends as key advisors leads to.
    Need I say more?

      • I’m hoping a lot of people who voted for Trump either against their better judgement or who thought he’d actually be the populist he claimed to be remember a line from Talking Head’s Once In A Lifetime – “My god! What have i done!”
        And vote for Biden & Harris this fall. And convince others to do so too!

  3. It’s funny how quickly they’re making us forget how Biden was virtually no one’s enthusiastic first choice (although some went with him first for pragmatic reasons). They’re far exceeding what many expected. I do have to say though that Harris was my second choice and I would have campaigned for her except I needed some time to recover from my first choice dropping out and by the time I did, Harris had dropped out too. And both of those events were driven by depressing misogyny on the left so it was a tough time. Eventually I did a little phone banking for Warren before SHE dropped out.

    • Hey, Uncle Joe surprised the hell out of me, no lie. But no matter either…Trump makes the task of forgetting the lack of enthusiasm all too easy too. And Harris as Veep is exactly the shot in the arm the campaign needs heading into fall.

      • Harris is terrific. Anyone still whining about how Biden rejected and discriminated against all the great white men out there can kiss my ass. The four women senators were the best candidates running for president.

  4. Thank you for always finding the positive. I have been increasingly freaked out, and your columns help me have hope that the nightmare will indeed end.


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