About Those New Tricks And “Old” Dogs


People who say that they don’t care what people think are usually desperate to have people think that they don’t care what people think   George Carlin

It has been said before, by not only myself, but by others far more knowledgeable than me, but it bears repeating. I have never seen anything like this in my life. The first job of any newly elected President, of either party, starting with his inauguration speech, is to reach out and build bridges, in order to make his own reelection campaign easier. And instead Trump is doing exactly the opposite.

Trump is totally and cravenly devoted to his base, and I get that part. Given Trump’s psyche, it’s purely about his ego. He considers them his sole property, totally devoted to him, and the fount from which all good things flow. In his mind, he created them, he activated them, and they are the sole reason that he is such a political savant and is in the White House in the first place. The problem arises from the fact that these slobbering racist fucks account for only about 30-35% of the GOP voting block, much less the nation as a whole.But Trump’s devotion to that base is costing not only him, but the GOP writ large traditional constituencies that they have literally spent decades cultivating.

Almost all reputable major polling shows that Trump has already shed white college educated voters, male and female, he has pissed away his advantage among white non college educated men, and is at risk of doing so with women of the same ilk. He has lost the disillusioned Democrat and independent voters who gave him a shot hoping for change. He has lost the sliver of the African American vote who have spent the last three years finding out exactly what the hell they had to lose!, and his dictatorial bent with peaceful protesters has got to have many members of the military, as well as veterans leery about his sanity. And despite their deepest kept personal preferences, Evangelicals who like to think of themselves as socially responsible and good Christians are slowly starting to turn away from him too.You name ’em, and Trump has pissed them off.

But now El Pendejo Presidente is about to piss off a GOP constituency that I thought it would be impossible for any GOP incumbent, much less a sitting GOP President to piss off, namely, crusty old farts. You know, people like me. Well, not me specifically, since I’d rather step in front of a Japanese bullet train than pull a lever for Trump, but other old farts. After all, older, white men and women terrified of social change have been a mainstay of the Republican party voting block since Ronald Reagan launched The Southern Strategy. But Trump is doing it, and apparently with absolutely no recognition that he’s doing it at all.

Trump’s tweet today about the 75 year old protester sent to the ICU by uniformed Buffalo thugs was merely the icing on the cake. That protester, God love him, has 12 years on me, I’m only 63. But I suffer from balance issues due to my glaucoma, as well as inner ear problems, and I’m here to tell you that, if I took a full extension, two hand shove from a couple of Buffalo bulls, by the time my ass hit the pavement, there is no fucking way that either my hands or my elbows would be able to hit the ground behind me in time to keep from cracking my head on the pavement. I’d be bleeding from the ears too. And here Il Douche claims that the protester was a provocateur, and staged the fall to make it look worse than it was. Fuck that.

But the real damage was done a couple of weeks ago, in the way that Traitor Tot went after Joe Biden. He made fun of Biden’s stutter, as well as the extended gaps between words as Biden constructed and completed his sentences. Really?!? I never suffered from a stutter when I was a child, but I can’t tell you the number of times in recent years when I have accidentally split words in a stutter, or repeated the same word in succession in a sentence. And please, don’t even get Teri started on how many times I’ve said something like, Hey honey! The next time we go to the store, we need to remember to get…………..toilet paper! And just look at the source, will ya? With Trump, it’s not like we’re talking Shakespeare here, the man together sentences two fucking can’t  fucking put two sentences together! And at least Biden can manage to keep his upper plate in place well enough that he doesn’t slobber all over himself.

And the numbers are already bearing it out. Trump is now losing senior citizens to Biden, and I can only see that increasing the longer this goes. Look, I’m only speaking personally now, but when you manage to hit 60, you wear that as a badge of honor. You had to go through a whole lifetime of shit to get there, and please, don’t ask any of what kind of shit, or you’ll be tempted to self terminate in the first five minutes. But however we did it, we all made it. And we all recognize that none of us are quite all that we used to be. But when some fat, supercilious, arrogant prick makes fun of one of us? That don’t go over so good.

To know the future, look to the past.before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen

Follow me on Twitter at RealMurfster35

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  1. I have to say, getting older there is nothing scarier than a fall. I used to get into and out of the shower with ease. I take my time now. Having watched that video, I can feel the pain. The intention of it. I wonder how each of these ‘officers’ went home to their moms and dads and explained what they did that day.

  2. Small correction, Murf…it was NIXON who created the Southern Strategy, though Reagan definitely perfected it. As to metaphorically pissing all over that poor protester, it might be best to see it as a case of projection (yes, another one) on Trump’s part.

  3. Orange rump is facing the Terror of certain death without one essential part of his being…a heart. He has no love for anyone & no one loves him. He has no faith, since he has chosen darkness. The irony is with all the money & power in a corrupt world, he is a pauper. George Bailey represents the fools. He chose to be Mr potter, a greedy twisted spider. He wakes up on Christmas morning, & instead of repentance & becoming a new man, he tells tiny Tim, I like boys that walk. Hey Frump, your suite at Trump tower in Hell is waiting for it’s permanent occupant…YOU. The music is piped in. It’s the sound track of children crying in cages, mothers crying at funerals, & hellspeak, which is part human, part beast. Like you.

  4. One add done the right way will end this election and pry the rest of the Senior vote away.

    You start with Trump calling the virus a hoax. Then show all the death that happened at Senior care centers.
    Put a number on it if you can.

    Then have the voices of Mathis and a few Generals destroying him. While showing the Senior in Buffalo getting pushed down.

    End with Trumps tweet emphasizing. He looks like he fell down harder than he was push.

    What’s the biggest fear of a Senior citizen.

    Falling because it can result in them dying.

    • Falling is the one thing I fear and yesterday I fell. First time and getting older but i didn’t have to stand in line to vote this year, Yahoo so some thing to look forward to.

  5. I totally agree with everything you’ve written. Getting old doesn’t make us dumber I’m just tried of people who are arrogant and always looking for the fire so they can cheer and never take in to account how many lives are affected and police brutally is one thanks goodness that is finally rearing it’s ugly head out and we have a man who want to use them because he wants that power and taking us down and moscow mitch is using him for the same reason .

  6. I’m going to turn seventy a few weeks after the election, and I’ve voted D since I first registered. I couldn’t stand Nixon or Reagan.


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