One word after last night. Gridlock.


*Full Disclosure* I did not see the entire debate last night, although I caught most of it. So, if there’s something that you saw that struck you as critical that I don’t talk about, it simply means I missed it, sorry.

Several people had good nights, in fact their best of the campaign. Amy Klobuchar for one. Beto O’Roarke for sure. And Pete Buttigieg had a whole series of snappy single or double sentence zingers that landed. And Joe Biden was the best he’s looked so far, swatting away criticism and jabs as the ineffective mostuiro bites that they were. Elizabeth Warren ruled her roost, with nobody directly challenging her, which will have to end soon.

Sadly, we’ve seen the last substantive, front runner laden debate for the year. Because the DNC made the ridiculous and short sighted decision to leave the criteria for the October debate the same as the September debate, we are going to have at least two, if not three, useless bottom feeders like Tulsi Gabbard, Tom Steyer, and possibly Tim Ryan cluttering up the stage, once again forcing multiple nights, and tearing apart the people we really need to see competing against each other directly.

Just a few observations. First, Beto moved the goalposts on the gun debate last night. He forcefully came out and stated, “Hell yeah! We’re gonna take your AK-47’s, and we’re gonna take your AR-15’s! Those have no place on American streets!” Based on the crowd response, in gun friendly Texas yet, that is now the ultimate goal of Democratic gun control, removal of assault weapons from the street. And while the position is unlikely to survive into the general election, what stating it directly did do is to make “voluntary” assault weapons buybacks a more moderate, centrist position. Personally, I have no problem with Beto’s stance, since anybody who sleeps with their AR-15 ain’t voting for a Democrat regardless.

While Beto stole the show with his passion on the gun violence issue, I believe the best smack down of the night was presented by Pete Buttigies. Bernie was busy being Bernie, foaming at the mouth about the evils of private insurance, and demanding that only he and the federal government could provide healthcare. Mayor Pete advocated for private insurance options, with a public buy in option for Medicare, and then he stomped Bernie into the mud. He said something like,” If people like their present insurance, they can keep it. If not, they have the option to get Medicare. If the majority of Americans opt for the Medicare option, it will become Medicare for all, because nobody will buy private insurance. I trust the American people to make intelligent decisions regarding their healthcare, why can’t you?” The crowd ate it up, and Bernie’s enraged response only made him look silly.

Forget the polls, here’s how the top tier really shakes out. Joe Biden is in first, Elizabeth Warren is in second, and Bernie Sanders is in third. I know, most polls show Bernie ahead by a point or two, but here’s why I think it doesn’t matter. In the next month or two, the field is going to start thinning out. A lack of airtime, leading to a lack of oxygen, leading to a lack of fundraising, is going to start winnowing the herd. A good number of those supporters of lower tier candidates may not consider Biden to be their first choice as a replacement, they may prefer Warren or Sanders. But remember, primaries are base supporter affairs, and the vast majority of Democratic base voters are still stone cold fucking pissed at Sanders for his treatment of Hillary Clinton in the 2016 primaries and beyond. Given a linear choice, I believe the majority of Democratic base voters will gravitate to either Biden in order to get this over with, or to Warren as a snub to Bernie. I may be worng, but I think that Bernie’s support is about as high as it’s going to get.

adios, Julian! Last night, Julian Castro broke the cardinal rule in the 2020 Democratic primaries with his attack on Joe Biden’s memory, intentional or unintentional. Democratic voters don’t mind policy contrasts, hell, that’s why we’re watching the debates, but in the age of Trump, they will not tolerate personal assaults on any candidate. This is the second warning. Kamala Harris shot up in the polls after her attack on Biden’s civil rights record, because it was a relevant line. Before the second debate I warned Kamala not to go there again, but she did. This time, voters saw it as a piling on cheap shot, and Harris sank like a stone, and hasn’t recovered since. Castro had and has nowhere near either the support, nor the gravitas that Harris has, I think he’s toast.

But here’s the biggest takeaway coming out of last nights debate. What you see is what you get, deal with it. In the RCP poll tracking average, Joe Biden has a stable, if not overpowering lead of 12-14 points. As the bottom tier candidates drop out, Biden will get a percentage of supporters who just want this whole thing over with, so we can all bash Trump over the head with a 2×4 full time. As I said, I believe that Warren will get the lions share of the rest, but even if Warren and Sanders split them evenly, the math is still the same. Biden has a lock on the centrist vote, abd when lower tier candidates like Booker and Klobuchar depart, he’ll likely pick up the majority of those voters. There are a finite number of farther left progressive voters, and even if Warren gets the lions share, there just aren’t enough lower tier voters to get Warren within 3-5 points of Biden. As long as Warren and Sanders both stay in the race, and as long as Biden doesn’t trip over his own shoe laces, he can ride this stable lead to the finish line.

So, there it is. We will have one more fractured debate in October, with a bunch of bottom tier candidates taking desperate pot shots at the front runners, trying for a hail Mary, and then no more debates until after the holidays. And once the holidays are over, we’re only a month away from Iowa and New Hampshire, when shit gets real. Anything can happen in politics, just like in sports, but unless there’s some totally unexpected, earth shattering development, the only difference I see between now and Iowa is the field getting smaller.

To know the future, look to the past. before the insanity of the 2020 election, relive the insanity of the 2016 GOP primary campaign, and the general election, to see how we got to where we are. Copies of  President Evil, and the sequel, President Evil II, A Clodwork Orange  are available as e-books on Amazon, at the links above. Catch up before the upcoming release of the third book in the trilogy, President Evil III: All The Presidents Fen


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  1. I watched the whole thing.
    Castro should be toast; his behavior to Joe was a low blow and he was wrong too, along with a heavy dose of ageism. Elizabeth was strong and passionate without looking too professor-like. Pete was his calm and oh-so rational self. Beto got to exhibit his wonderful empathy and Joe was able to show that he has been to many rodeos. Also, Amy showed that she can loosen up a bit; Mr Yang continues in la-la land, but he has a great hook. Bernie actually smiled; Kamala is trying real hard but she’s a true fighter and Cory had great back-stories and seems relatable.
    I think the so-called debates are very interesting and give folks chances to see the candidates in action.

    I’m digging them and I’m happy there will be more. It’s just so nice to see accomplished people talk in complete sentences. My how Trump has lowered the bar.

    • Thanks for your take on everybody, I really appreciate it!!! Ya know, my feeling is that Kamala, Amy, and Beto all finally stopped trying to look like the PRESIDENT, and started trying to look like THEMSELVES, a trick Mayor Pete seemed to have mastered from day one, it was nice to see it finally paying off for him as well…And I have no problem with the debates, this was the best one so far in my view, since everybody wanted to play like big boys and girls, cuz they all ARE…That’s why I dread the next debate(s), you have little kids back trying to piss off the grown ups again…

    • Why does every debate feature one much better candidate getting trashed because they were mean to good old Uncle Joe? It seem to be a thing. Anyway, I haven’t any two takes that match so I’m not believing anything.

      • 2 things come quickly to mind:
        #1. I just don’t like meanness, period. Someone can be tough, strong and persuasive without being hateful and ugly.
        #2. Castro’s statement can easily be used as sound bites by the Republicans. We don’t need that.

        Enough of this and onward for me. We Dems have lots of fish to fry.

  2. I’m still waiting for the candidate who’ll come right out and ask/challenge Bernie on why he WON’T commit to being a full-time Democrat but expects the public at large to accept him as a Democrat during the run-up to the Convention.

    That brings up a curious thought to me: Can Bernie vote for himself in a Democratic primary? What exactly are the requirements in Vermont for primary voters? I think I need to go check that out.

    • Just checked and it looks like Vermont’s Democratic primary is an “open” one so he can, as an avowed Independent, vote in a primary designed to select a Party’s nominee.

      • Ahhhhh, thanks…I can only imagine that VT is like any other “open” primary state, where you can only request ONE party ballot to fill out…

    • That IS a good question, please let me know the answer if you find one…As for that question, THIS time around, Bernie actually filed the paperwork to run as a Democrat, as well as the agreement to back any eventual winner…Personally, Bernie is JUST far enough out there with his “socialism” that I’m perfectly happy to be able to disavow him if it becomes necessary…lol

      • Bernie won’t be the nominee because half his 2016 support is gone, and how is he going to win them back or attract new supporters when his entire campaign is stocked with people who didn’t unite behind our 2016 nominee and won’t commit to doing so in 2020? Unless Bernie deals with these people, who are rife in his campaign, he’s got no path to victory.

  3. I think Julian Castro, in his rush to try to score a few points for himself at the expense of Joe Biden, forgot again who the enemy is, and that the enemy will exploit this kind garbage for their own advantage. The response from the audience and those on the stage showed what people thought about such a nasty attack and the pathetic rationalization for his behavior. Yes, it might be a political campaign, but we expect such things from repugs. It was unwelcome and unwarranted here. Adios, Julian!

    • Yeah, I had kind of liked him, but he really shot himself in the foot with that low blow. You can bet Trump’s campaign committee will be using footage of that before the general election.

      • That’s the problem with ALL of the attacks the Democrats are making on each other…No matter who wins, their own have clawed them up some…Finer point, I think it’s actually the Super PAC’s who will use this stuff, Trump is so nasty and obnoxious that his campaign doesn’t need that stuff…

    • Julian did the same thing in the first debate, when he sarcastically said that Beto didn’t know what he was talking about in an argument over family separation…This time he pulled that shit on somebody leading the pack, and it’s gonna bite him in the ass…

  4. I certainly hope Tulsi isn’t in the October debates because she’s clearly in the race to damage the leading candidates and stir division, I don’t know why or for who. She’s a shallow, inconsistent and inexperienced candidate with no visible leadership qualities. I just find her fishy. As for Tim Ryan, no. Tim, why are you running? Please go.

  5. Another diss of Bernie, just like CNN and MSNBC. Like he said.
    We are fighting everyone. Why not just accuse him of turning America into Venezuela?


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