Trump Proves Himself World’s Worst Dad, Stunning


I cannot let this go, I saw it yesterday, and I had too much else going on. Fortunately, others saw it, too, and it is as ridiculous, and callous as one would come to expect.

This is going to be quick, to keep our stomachs down.

In a discussion involving the dangers of vaping, especially to young kids, middle and high school, Trump referenced why “the First Lady” cared so much about the issue. Trump said:

” She’s got a son together that is a—a beautiful young man. And she feels very, very strongly about it.”

Yes, the word “together” is in there, in a disjointed way, but the words “we,” “our” and “mine” are most certainly NOT.

I tried to imagine a situation in which I sat with my wife, discussing with others something concerning children and stating “She has a daughter …” I came up with nothing. Perhaps it is because “we” have a daughter, and “our” daughter is “our” greatest joy.

As Trevor Noah pointed out, even Darth Vader claimed his son, and cared deeply about the father-son bond they made a movie about it.

This president is our worst and most dangerous in many generations. But, even I have to admit, at times, the obliviousness and self-obsession prove to be entertaining. Not worth the price, but entertaining nonetheless.


Peace, y’all


[email protected], and please follow on Twitter: @MiciakZoom

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  1. The son, like the wife is nothing more than a trophy. There’s a long and ugly history of rich moguls having trophy wives and divorcing them & children from the transactional marriage for a newer & younger model. Sometimes literally a model btw.

    For the guy, especially as he gets older the trophy wife is important but so is having at least one kid – (I’m about to get crude) as proof that he got to fuck the trophy wife. That’s all Barron is to Donald Trump (Tiffany too) – proof that his dad fucked the “beautiful” trophy wife. The trophy wife usually knows the score, that she will be replaced in a certain number of years give or take and ensures there’s a pre-nup that will prevent her from having to go back to living an average life. If she’s savvy enough she will ensure any kids at least have a small trust that will ensure they can go to any university they want/can get in to and have a bit of a head start in life when they reach adulthood. Most of the guys resist this – they literally resent paying for something (even a child for which they only intended to be the sperm donor for) after that child is no longer living under their roof. But sometimes the wife who it must be said is just as coldly practical about the transactional aspect of being a trophy wife will give in when it comes to kid’s educations and getting them started in a career.

    Again, the only reason Trump wanted a child with “Melanie” was to prove he got to fuck her – at least for a while. That’s ALL Trump’s youngest son is to him. Proof that his dad got to fuck the model who became Trophy Wife #3. If he hadn’t become President Trump would have moved on to Trophy Wife #4 by now & if there wasn’t a kid already he’d be trying his damndest to produce one just to prove he could still impregnate a model/beautiful woman. It’s been that way from the beginning with Trump, even with his first Trophy Wife. Don’t forget that he objected to naming the first born (son) Don Jr., his stated objection being “What if he turns out to be a loser?”

  2. It is typical of malignant narcissists that they lack all or nearly all empathy and the Tangerine Terdbucket certainly has none. I feel so badly for Barron. He’s obviously in need of loving parenting, and he sure as shite isn’t getting that from papa…

    • I hope Melania is doing at least some parenting. She did bring her parents over. Maybe that will help. Whatever was happening in the world I knew Amy Carter got good parenting. Chelsea Clinton, the Obama daughters and even the Bush girls got strong parenting. I am a little glad that Baron has been more out of the public eye than have some of the others like Chelsea and Sasha and Malia. The kids really do not deserve to be put through any of this.


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