Heroic: Video of Hurricane Hunters Flying “Into” Eyewall


If you thought that the hurricane hunter aircraft flew above hurricanes to gauge their position, and drop sensors to check temperatures and windspeed, then you are as wrong as I used to be. I never knew they flew right into the damn eye-wall, the worst of the worst in the storm.

I felt it appropriate to spread the word, given that Dorian is about to smash into Florida. The people most impacted will get a warning, because of what these people do.

They are heroes. Each storm is unique, except they are all dangerous.. Only the best are selected, which is the only reason we don’t hear of more accidents.

I think it is worth sharing, to appreciate people who risk it all, for us.

And for a bit of a longer video/explanation:

In these days of maximum cynicism, it is definitely proper to remember there a lot of good people, doing great things, that we rarely take time to stop and thank.

Thanks, all.


Peace, y’all.


[email protected]

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  1. Thanks for writing this, Jason. It’s good to be reminded that many good people are out there doing good and important things, even while others do their best to destroy everything. Thanks to these brave folks!


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