That was NOT helpful


Thank God tomorrow night ends this format. Look, I have no problem with how the DNC ran the debates. They had the Toledo phone book running for President, and they tried to give everybody a fair shot. But everybody and their mother has had two shots now, or will after tomorrow night, and if you can’t poll at least 2%, or get 130,000 people to slip you a buck, we don’t need to hear from you anymore.

I thought last months MSNBC debates went pretty well, but found fault with the way that the moderators let people not only interrupt, but keep speaking with impunity for doing it. I thought that either a mic cut off switch, or a hand held air horn would have helped settle things down nicely. But that’s just me.

But I thought that CNN’s format for running the debates last night was nothing short of deplorable. First of all, you don’t need both a one minute opening statement and a one minute closing statement. With time overruns, that’s 25 minutes blown, one of the other would have been sufficient.

But what sticks in my craw is the fact that CNN seems to have almost gone out of their way to make the Democratic candidates appear petty and pissy, and argumentative. You knew going in that this would be a more personally contentious debate. The 1%’ers were going to spend all of their time punching up as high as they could go, desperately trying for a miracle to get them noticed, loved, and into the September debates. That’s fine, nothing CNN can do about that, and sometimes debating is a contact sport.

But CNN seemed to want to purposely stir up the pot, and to pit the also-rans against the front runners. There is nothing unusual in a debate about having multiple candidates answer the same question. Normally, the format is, “Candidate A. Would you blah, blah, blah?” Candidate A answers. Then the moderator says “Candidate F, same question.” Each candidate has 60 seconds to answer the question.

But CNN didn’t do that. They would ask a candidate, usually either Sanders or Warren a question. They would answer, but then, instead of saying “Candidate D, same question,” the moderators would say “Congressman Delaney, what’s your response to Senator Sanders?” Basically, the moderators gave the down-and-out a 1 minute free shot at the front runner. And of course, they have to give the front runner 30 seconds to respond. Followed by 30 seconds more for the down-and-out. And it got ugly. You ended up with candidates with no chance of winning tearing into front runners and their plans with reckless abandon, while the Republicans are laughing their asses off. As far as I’m concerned, CNN should be barred from doing any more Democratic debates until they learn to stop acting like Hollywood Confidential.

That being said, the big winner, big loser, and best takeaway from last night, in my mind, was Elizabeth Warren. She did exactly what she needed to do. She put her plans out there, defended them effectively, and slapped back appropriately without getting into the mud. She had Bernie’s back over shared interests, but drew subtle differences between them, usually on points Bernie was getting hammered over. And for the third straight night, Warren still seems to be the only one who’s actually glad to be out there, brimming with energy, and ready for the fight.

As far as I could tell, the evening’s big loser was Bernie Sanders. He got absolutely pounded out there. And while Sanders and Warren largely share the same views, Sanders took by far the heavier incoming. I don’t know if it was because everybody thought he was a softer target or what, but he definitely fell into the trap. Unlike Warren, Bernie let his ire show several times, most notably when his “socialism” was called into question, and you never want to let them see that they’ve gotten to you, it just inspires more attacks.

Tonight’s big takeaway? Actually, there were two for me. First, Amy Klobuchar was the only one on stage that managed to stay above the fray. Even when prodded by the moderators, she is the only one who refused to criticize another candidate or their plans, preferring simply to push her own plans and electability. Unfortunately, I’m not sure she really moved the ball down the field. And the second takeaway is that, thankfully, last night was most likely the last time that we will see at least five of these people. They added nothing substantive, and in fact some of them did considerable damage. Good riddance.

Going forward, I hope for two things. I hope that tomorrow nights candidates all watched the debate, and caught on to the trap the CNN moderators are trying to set for them, so that they don’t fall into it. And second, I hope that all of the survivors spend at least some of the rest of August watching the tape of tonight’s debate, and realizing that this kind of performance is exactly what Trump and the GOP are hoping for.

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  1. Question, Murf…do you think that Warren’s performance last night might get her some defectors from the Bernie camp? She’s basically using a lot of the same ideas (albeit more carefully planned out) and gave Bernie some respect (which I frankly think he has never deserved but then I’m not running president).

    • To tell you the truth bareshark, at this point I really don’t think so, at least not to a great extent…She peeled that off earlier, when you saw Bernie drop from 29% to the mid teens, and when you saw her rise from 4% to the mid teens…Bernie was perfect to run against Hillary, when he was the only loud voice in the room, but with half of the field stealing his thunder, people like Warren do a better job of explaining his ideas and policies than HE does…

    • If by “well” you mean more talking time you’re right…But tell me ONE concrete plan or proposal she put forth…She defended her previous statements on reparations to descendants of slaves, and came across as pompous and arrogant doing so…She spent the rest of the time threatening all of the other Democrats on stage that if they didn’t get behind her, they were going to get their asses kicked by Trump…Watch some fo the clips…Notice how she says shit like “Unless THE Democrats” instead of Unless WE Democrats”…She doesn’t even directly associate herself with the party she’s running for…

  2. WELL WRITTEN and WELL SAID!!! You are 1000% on point and thank you for your astute and insightful analysis. I hope the candidates or their teams read this article and advise them accordingly. ALL of the Dem candidates should be going after traitortrump the racist liar-in-chief, NOT each other. These no-name candidates who have NO chance of winning the nomination were an annoyance and distraction. I say good riddance to them as well.

    • Thanks…My only hope for tonight is that CNN got enough shit slung on them from the internet that they decide to change their questioning format…Otherwise, bottom feeder candidates desperate to break through are going to take those free swings when CNN throws the to them….

      • Ah, the cautious optimism of assuming that feedback will encourage CNN to change.

        To paraphrase Michelle Wolfe: you guys (CNN) love breaking news. And you did it. You broke it. Good work. The most useful information on CNN is when Anthony Bourdain tells me where to eat noodles.” Ah, the kind of satire that leaves a bruise. I loved that set.

  3. I don’t know what the numbers are but I am one of those that cut the cord some time ago when I realized I was wasting $80 + a month for less than 80 hours of view tme; so I didn’t see the debate and it did not do anything to move me to any candidate. The DNC is touting that they are the people’s party. Who are the people? Don’t get me wrong, I am a democrat but sometimes I wonder if too many in the DNC are living in glass castles in the skies and can’t see the people in the streets. If I don’t have access to the debate via air waves or a rerun via the internet (which I have been looking for the whole day) then it’s playing to a niche audience.
    So YES; that was not helpful!

  4. Pretty much agreed. The three voters in my house were in consensus – we watched, we listened, but we turned the channel off as soon as the last word was said because we were tired of the coverage (but not the candidates).

    Agree that Warren won…but I thought CNN’s style only offered her a B+ performance. It’s pretty impossible to offer a positive vision when the moderators are determined to have the debaters make negative cases.

    Bernie…no idea. Did he resonate with me? No, he seemed cranky and pedantic. But I’m not sure whether he will lose a single voter…or win a single voter…which is persistent with him and why I don’t get his candidacy.

    Delaney…I want to give a little plastic dollar store trophy for how you get as much face time as possible in the least annoying way possible. It was still annoying, but I think it was as small an amount of annoying you can be to be a candidate polling at 1% and get into the conversation. And if CNN was going to be as confrontational as they were, why not “Rep Delaney, do you think it would be a problem for your campaign when voters figure out you’re a banker who made a hundred million off the health care industry.” I’m not saying I care too much…but why are we even pretending a former banker can win this base at this point in history??

    Plastic trophy #2: Rachel Maddow. Because she showed in the first debate that you can have a vigorous, productive, consequential conversation without creating a three ring circus.

  5. Did you expect anything different from CNN? Good grief, that has been their operating mode since forever. Stir the shit, create controversy, back up “Democrats in disarray”. They want a pie fight since they think that it boosts ratings (sad, but maybe they’re right). CNN has NO inclination to truly inform the public, they only want to sell you shit from their sponsors and make $$$.


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