Only Trump can take something politically safe and sound, and turn it potentially suicidal.


The funny thing is, I perfectly “get” where Trump is coming from. And no, not  because I’ve spent the last four years living in his racist, worm infested mind, but because what he was thinking is actually a rather time honored, safe, and politically wise tactic. But one needs to remember that Traitor Tot could fuck up a one car funeral, so the result isn’t surprising.

Trump’s goal was simple. Trump won in 2016 not by being more popular and well liked than Hillary Clinton, but by making Hillary Clinton even more deplorable and unpopular than himself. And he is going to have to do the same thing in 2020. Donald Juan Trump is the only President in history that could run for reelection unopposed, and lose the popular vote by write in ballots for Mickey Mouse.

And lo and behold, in The Squad, freshman congresswomen Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley, and Tlaib, Trump had his golden goose. They are perfect foils for him, they are young, loud, and photogenic. They also hold extreme liberal positions, so he could paint them as the rising “face” of the Democratic party, even more dangerous and toxic to independent and moderate Democrats than his own sexist, racist, Xenophobic self. That was the plan.

And these were friends with benefits to boot. The Squad was already fighting with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi over ideological differences. By painting them as the up and coming force of the Democratic party, he could force more moderate Democratic incumbents, especially newly elected incumbents in swing House districts, to fight with The Squad while they were fighting with Pelosi. All of which would grind the Democratic House agenda to a halt, while making the caucus look disorganized and unable to govern, the one thing they promised their constituents they could do.

Trump actually started out on target, and on message. He hammered The Green New Deal, making it sound like the official policy of the Democratic party, and decrying the impending loss of manufacturing jobs and increasing energy costs. He scarified everybody with insurance, especially union members with the potential loss of their “Cadillac” healthcare plans if these radical Democrats pushed through their “socialist” Medicare-for-all plan. And he gleefully pointed out that The Squad was bringing the Democratic legislative agenda to a grinding halt.

But then, being first in all things Trump, he had to go and make it about himself. Reporter Sahil Kapur put it perfectly on MSNBC yesterday when he said, “Donald Trump walked into the middle of a Democratic party circular firing squad, and he trained all of their weapons on him.” And he’s right. Trump did the one thing that the Democrats couldn’t do for themselves, he unified them. With their enemies and against him.

Because Plan A wasn’t working. Not for his base. His  core base of slobbering pointy heads absolutely, viscerally hate these women. They hate them for being young, they hate them for being influential, they hate them for being women of color, and they hate two of them for being Muslims. And Trump’s rhetoric about socialist healthcare and environmental collapse just wasn’t stroking their woodies. So Trump had to make it personal, he had to make it racial, and he had to make it religious. Because the beast must be fed. And as the rally in North Carolina Wednesday night showed, now that his frenzied mob has the bit well and truly between their teeth, there is no reining in the horse now. And Trump has no interest in trying.

Trump has already lost this war. Not only has he lost it, but he has almost alchemistically turned what should have been a political asset into a potentially hazardous political liability. The Democrats are now firmly aligned behind The Squad, whatever differences they have will be kept well behind The Wizard’s curtain, in order to present a unified front against Trump’s racism. And having Democratic Senators running for President opine to the media that they fear for congresswoman Omar’s safety, and that she may need physical protection only serves as a grim reminder that the horrors of Charlottesville could be revisited on a young Muslim woman solely die to the sitting President’s big, fat, racist mouth.

More damaging politically, only Dipshit Donnie could manage to find a way to vilify opponents into becoming sympathetic figures. Trump’s objective was to use these women’s :extreme” political views to make them unpalatable to independent and soft Democratic voters. Instead, whether they agree with their positions or not, those voters will now likely align behind The Squad. They will stand behind them to reaffirm their humanity, their respect, and their inclusion as United States citizens. And one can only wonder if every petite, dark skinned Muslim woman wearing a hijab doesn’t walk down the street with a slight itch between her shoulders, fearful that one of Trump’s MAGA maggots might not mistake her for congresswoman Omar, and exact vengeance on behalf of Glorious Bleater. I honestly don’t believe I’m the only one thinking that, and it matters. And will matter down the road, every time this subject ir resurrected on the campaign trail.

This is the problem with being a cult member. Sooner or later, The Cheeto Prophet is going to pour out the Kool Ade. And these simpletons not only drank it, they all took a turn stirring the pitcher. They’re pathetic.

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    • Hate and fear are all they can campaign on. They have nothing else. Zero accomplishments except overflowing the swamp and enrichening further the already rich by stealing from everyone else.

  1. He really blew it when he honed in on Ilhan Omar and ignored the rest of the so-called “Squad,” making it as glaringly obvious what he was doing as if he had written it in neon. She’s black! She’s Muslim! She’s furrin’! And whatever else her issues may be, Omar is kind of a likable person (unlike the arrogant “AOC,” who is pretty polarizing at this point). Condemning Omar as “anti-Semitic” when it was Trump himself who said some neo-Nazis and white nationalists were “very fine people” isn’t believable to this Jewish person, or to most of the other Jewish people I know. It’s basically like shouting, “Hey look — she’s one of them evil terrorist MUSLIMS!” Most of us haven’t forgotten where the 9/11 hijackers came from (not Somalia!) and who exactly is cozying up to that country now (not Omar).

    • Yes he did…And that was the point I tried to make…As long as he kept it about The
      Squad, it was an ideological fight that he could use to his advantage…But by focusing almost solely on Omar, he made it racial, and he made it religious, two things that moderate and independent voters of all stripes will NOT be able to countenance…

      • Like all bullies, the ol’ Stroke Waffle went for the one he perceived as smallest, quietest, and easiest to hurt. B-i-i-g mistake.

        • Yeah, minly because small usually equates to really quick, pesky buggers who beat you with a thousand stings…And now that he’s IN this fight, Trump’s ego won’t let him get OUT again, which only damages the entire party further…

          • Oh, you misunderstand me, Murf. The vicious folks in this scenario are the Squad, as nothing could put up with the likes of Trump. And he’s probably only 6’1″ with elevator heels.

    • I take issue with AOC being called “arrogant” if for no other reason than she’s proven that she can verbally punch out Trump on his favorite social media platform. Trump HAD to know going in that he couldn’t do to her what he tried on Omar.

      But I take the rest of your point. Cowardly bully that he is, Trump was scared of being outnumbered. So he decided to pick on the one he considered the weakest for mano a womano…and it blew up in his face as usual.

      • I think he decided to pick on the person who represents most of what he has conditioned his base to hate: black, immigrant, Muslim. She hits all the marks. I don’t think it had to do with her being the weakest unless you mean having those “three strikes” made her weak.

  2. This is why I will never fear Donald John Trump. There is no plan he can follow from front to back to the letter. He is inevitably compelled to put his own stamp on it and it’s always a disaster.


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