The Dam Has Broken Part II


A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step   Chinese proverb

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time   Steven Wright

The old saying goes, “Ah, it seems like only yesterday,” but in this case it really freakin’ almost was! It was only a couple of days ago that I penned an article entitled “The dam just broke,” in which I stated that with Attorney General William Barr’s craven capitulation to the House committee, rather than face contempt charges, it was only a matter of time until other Trump obstructionists started to honor subpoenas for documents and testimony.

But sweet Jesus, I gotta be honest with you guys, I kind of thought that it would take a little bit longer than this! What a bunch of totally spineless wimps these Trump lemmings are turning out to be. I guess it just goes to prove that after one craven coward cops a suckers run, the rest figure that it really isn’t worth spending tens of thousands of dollars on having a lawyer blather brainlessly in court for a couple of hours, only to be told to quit fooling around and go testify to congress anyway.

So, Hope Hicks is the Judas Ewe who will lead the rest of the little Trumpkins lambs to slaughter, huh? Next Wednesday, in the House Judiciary committee, mark your calendars. Now, I’ll be the first to admit that I was supremely pissed to find out that the agreement was that Hicks was going to testify in closed session, with no spectators or cameras allowed. But when I finished kicking my feet, and throwing my stuffed Paddington Bear repeatedly across the room, and cooled my dumb ass off, I realized I was cool with that, as long as a couple of conditions were met. And I know how seriously Judiciary Committee Chair Jerry Nadler takes my conditions.

First of all, a witness testifying “in camera,” or behind closed doors, is no guarantee of secrecy. There can be a number or reasons why a committee may want to hear from a witness without the testimony being simultaneously heard and broadcast to the world, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the testimony will be secret, or kept from the public. If Jerry Nadler is allowing Hope Hicks to testify in closed session, so she won’t have an image in her head of The Great Pumpkin staring at the 72″ screen in the residence, with steam billowing out of his ears, before throwing the Tivo remote through the screen, that’s no skin off of my nose. As long as committee members, especially Democratic committee members, are allowed to exit the hearing room and blab like town criers to the assembled media, fine by me. And a full and unedited transcript of the testimony released a day or two later, would serve the purpose just as well, allowing network anchors to read great gobs of her ratting out of His Lowness to an avidly waiting world. Besides, allowing Hicks to testify in a closed session will likely stop GOP mental midgets like Meadows, Jordan, and Gaetz from mugging to the cameras for the boss.

The second reason that I’m full down with Hicks testifying in closed session is just so long as Chairman Nadler didn’t negotiate away Hicks being required to testify about all of the really good, juicy shit that everybody wants to hear her talk about. Donald Trump Jr’s closed door testimony in front of the Senate Judiciary committee today was likely a total waste of time, since committee Chair Lindsey Graham, the decency vampire of the Senate, likely negotiated away Trump being allowed to be questioned on any topic that might allow him to perjure himself, namely everything the Democrats wanted to question him about. But I honestly don’t see this happening with Nadler, not with the activist sharks he has on his committee.

Because, this is just the appetizer my dear readers. I figure that McGahn’s former chief of staff, Annie Donaldson, will be the next domino to fall, likely followed by McGahn himself. And whether they testify publicly or not is unimportant at this stage, because they will be providing documents and testimony under oath before the committee.Documents and testimony that Nadler can leak to the public, but more importantly, show to Speaker Nancy Pelosi to prove that there is actually a 4-11 fire underneath all of that smoke. Fire that will have voters jumping into the impeachment bucket brigade line.

And once that happens, then the formal impeachment hearings will start. And when they do, Donaldson, Hicks, McGahn et al will be back. And their presence will give Robert Mueller cover to appear and flesh out is report at long last. And this time it won’t be behind closed doors, this time it will be in a chair in front of a bank of television cameras. And those hearings will be covered live, gavel-to-gavel, by every network in the country, including FOX News, as a public service requirement in their license. And when that happens, watch the needle of public opinion finally start to move irrevocably in the direction of impeachment. And watch GOP Senators suddenly develop a severe, life threatening allergy to television cameras.

We are indeed not at “the beginning of the end.” And we’re not at “the end of the beginning” anymore either. we’re just starting to pick up speed as we pootle on down the road, and it’s going to be one helluva ride.

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  1. It’s my understanding that the WH is claiming Executive Privilege over anything that happened after Trump was in the WH and that Hicks appears ready to go along with their wishes. That means things could get really interesting and really fast. Due to the resolution passed yesterday the Committee can, right there in front of Hicks entertain and vote on a motion to hold her in Contempt of Congress & there’s not a damned thing the GOP members present, Hicks or her lawyers can do about it. Oh, they’ll kick up a fuss which makes it a shame this won’t play out in front of TV cameras but two things will happen if Hicks tries to play the EP Card.
    1) She will be required to, on the spot produce the proper documentation from the WH Counsel’s Office that Trump has invoked EP. I doubt her lawyers will have it as Republicans have spent a couple of years in front of Congressional Committees hedging by saying they “weren’t comfortable answering” because “the President might invoke Executive Privilege.” They’ve gotten away with that shit up till now but no more. Which leads me to…
    2) Whether Hicks has a formal authorization (including detailing specific conversations/subjects) in hand or not US v Nixon makes clear that in an inquiry that can lead to criminal charges there is no Executive Privilege. Oh, and related to #1 EP doesn’t cover ANYTHING that doesn’t involve direct communication with the President.

    IOW the Committee will demand Hicks answer their questions. If she has committed a crime(s) she can invoke the 5th for herself, but otherwise has to answer what is asked right then and there or be subject to being formally cited for Contempt of Congress – and now they can do it on the spot. IF as you suggest she’s showing up because she doesn’t want to rack up a lot of legal fees in what will eventually be a losing battle the whole damn might break wide open like in Force 10 From Navarone. I hope Nadler is properly prepared, including having staff Counsel having a draft motion ready to edit/finalize and take to Court before the end of the day, or on Friday. Once Hicks realizes her butt can be sitting in an orange jumpsuit in jail as early as this weekend or next week she’ll fold like a cheap tent. And others including those you mentioned will see that the House is done with the bullshit and playing hardball & take a good look at how much they are spending on their own legal fees – and decide Trump isn’t worth spending a single day in jail for.

    I’ve often said it’s past time to accept that we are in a biker bar fight and act accordingly. Starting tomorrow. Make Hicks either answer the questions or follow (and quickly) the legal procedure to through her ass in jail until she does.

    • “It’s my understanding that the WH is claiming Executive Privilege over anything that happened after Trump was in the WH”
      It appears that in addition to this, he’s trying to claim E.P. for things that happened BEFORE he came into the WH.
      All to no avail.
      Tick Tock.

    • Yeah, she’s going to have a WH lawyer sitting with her…The problemis that there really ARE guidelines and limits to what can be covered by executi e privilege…If she plays kiddie games, they note each disuted question, hold her in contempt, then go to court for a judge to decide if she has to answer or not…The funny thing is that a guest said today something that rings true…As I said, there are limits to privilege, and the way the WH is playing things, judges are going to start makng WH lawyers prove why something IS priviliged, as poposed to forcing the other side to prove that it isn’t…

      • Don’t you love it, our, “GOOD GUYS”, like Mr. Nadler, are doing it right, starting the ball rolling now, and with public eventual release of info found, soon, the impeachment procedure will move quickly into a criminal boot to use on the behinds of a LOT of Republican jerks out there, as well as the orange numb skull himself ….

        • That’s been one of my major beefs…All of this vould be done under the auspices of an impeachment inquiry, which would save us this wrangle now, and expedite the progress instead of doing a dry run now, and then have to brin g everybody back for another hearing with the word “impeachment” in front of it…

  2. “as a public service requirement in their license”
    FCC has hardly any jurisdiction over cable channels, even cable networks. Broadcast licenses apply only to OTA stations that use the “Public Airwaves”.


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