Don’t believe the hype, it’s all a con.


There are two things that I saw in the last hour that drove me to the keyboard today, in what should be my “day of rest,” cuz I’m like, ya know, so damn busy the rest of the week. But when duty calls, ya gotta step up and represent.

First, I never realized how little I missed Kayleigh McEnany during her enforced hiatus from MSNBC and CNN for her excessive oral flatulence, until I once again clapped eyes on her reality free self again today on MSNBC. Time to renew the boycott guys. I don’t care if she’s the spokesclown for the Trump 2020 campaign, she’s still as irritating, fact free, abrasive, and interruption prone that got her and her sob sister, KellyAnne Con-way the boot in the first place. But she plays a part in this sordid saga, so here she is.

Second, and more important, don’t be fooled by Justin Amash. So there’s finally a Republican member of congress who managed to remember he took an oath, huh? *Sniff,sniff* Ah, a vintage 2016 bullshit Chardonnay, with a rich bouquet of irony, yet just a touch of slapstick. There’s a reason you uncork a classic like this, and it’s not for the guys at the bowling league.

Look, I am not here to judge Amash’s intentions. Justin Amash is a Trump supporter, but he has also been known to rather publicly buck Trump when he is of the mood. I’ll let each individual assign their own judgement on Amash’s intentions and probity. But no matter the decision, the outcome is pure bullshit, either way.

It is already well established that Donald Trump goes to bed every night dreaming of the blessed day that Nancy Pelosi utters the magic word, impeachment. Trump is mired in the low to mid 40’s, and in a poll released a day or so ago, he was stuck on 41% against every one of the top 5 Democratic challengers. Trump needs impeachment the way a goldfish needs a bowl, to rally his seemingly shrinking and flagging base around him. So you do everything in your power to force the issue, like stonewall document production and testimony, and laugh off congressional subpoenas.

And still Pelosi won’t pull the trigger. What a rip off! Jeez, you call her Nancy, you help her retake the House, and still she won’t cut you a break? No, man, the Dude will not abide!

But, in the moment of your darkest need, talk about pennies from heaven! Justin Amash, a card carrying, duly elected Republican member of congress, says you should be impeached! Now that should break the logjam. Nancy has been stalling on impeaching Trump pending GOP buy in, well Justin Amash just anted into the pot. It only takes one GOP vote in the House floor vote to make it bipartisan. What are you waiting for,Nancy?

And boy, are Trump and his army of Trombies playing this one to the bone. Trump took his righteous outrage to Twitter, to call Amash a loser, and a total lightweight! And that was after his 11th hole-in-one in 8 holes, so you know he was royally pissed.  And the aforementioned McEnany girded her loins and hit MSNBC, where she called Amash a total lunatic, and demented, and sang a dirge about all of his previous treachery towards Glorious Bleater. By the way they’re carrying on, you would have thought that Amash had snuck up behind Trump, reached out, and pulled up that dead muskrat on top of his head, exposing the shiny bald dome beneath. It’s heresy I tel ya, heresy!

Once again, idjits that they are, Trump and his tidal basin of sludge have overplayed their hand. Justin Amash’s base betrayal doesn’t do a damn thing to change the dynamics of impeachment in the Senate. And a single “Aye” vote from Amash on the floor of the House is not going to change the outcome as being seen as purely partisan. And yet, the Trump klan is screaming and smoking, and charring like a vampire exposed to sunlight at the thought of this one defection. From where I’m sitting, when the damn rabbit hollers that loudly, begging him to not throw you in the briar patch over there, maybe you should listen to him once in a while.

Yeah, I know it’s Sunday, and I know that it’s a sin to take the Lords name in vain, but God-damn do these people think we’re stupid! Just another day in Toontown folks.

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  1. All drumpf has to do to rally his base is say “Look! Mexican! Wall!”

    The reason we need to impeach is that if we don’t he will be telling independents “Look, they don’t have the goods on me or they would impeach.”

    Pelosi and Nadler are in danger of depressing Democratic turnout by refusing to do their Constitutional duty.

    Trump is refusing to comply is because it makes him look strong and Democrats look weak.

    Punch the bully in the ? or lose. Those are no other choices.

    • If all Trump had to say to gin up his base was “Look! Mexicans! Wall!!!” the Democrats never would have won back the House in 2018…Hell, Trump invented an entire “caravan” coming up to invade, and the GOP lost nationwide by more than 8 million votes…

      • So you think there are more republicans than democrats?

        Indivisible and other groups, and Trump’s idiocy, ginned up our turn out so we won.

        But if The House won’t do what they were sent there to do and defend democracy what’s the point?

        • They’re doing it: they’re holding hearings, talking to all the media that will listen, and getting stories in the news. If it weren’t working, Himself’s approval rating would be higher. And the GOP-T’s approval rating might be as high as 35%.

    • Are we really going to look back in ten or twenty years, even if only knowing what we already know, and say we didn’t impeach?
      Dimwit Donnie is THE most impeachable president ever!

      • I know it’s hard, but patience…In a recent poll, impeaching climbed above NOT impeaching for the first time, at 45-42%…If that number climbs over 505, I think you’ll see Pelosi finally pull the trigger, thinking that increased interest in an impeachment hearing will get more people to pay attention, and drive that number higher…

        • Joseph,
          I am as solidly FOR getting rid of this plague as anyone is. I think the way to go is by continuing to turn over all those ugly rocks. There are endless creepy criminal creatures hiding there. To flood the media with his gruesome iillegal deeds will hopefully turn the tide. Then we can talk about impeachment.
          The only glitch is: if an official impeachment were announced, would it give the House more luck in shaking loose those necessary documents? If so, I may change my mind. Anyone know?

          • I agree, and that’s my point…Glorious Bleater wants desperately to push the Democrats into impeachment, so that he can victimize himself again, and fundraise off of his troubles…We should indeed continue to investigate, take the time to cross the “t’s” and dot the “i’s”, and drop the mammer when the rime is right…

            As for opening impeachment proceedings, it wouldn’t stop Trump from trying to obstruct, but it would greatly speed up the legal process as most courts show extreme deference to a House undertaking an impeachment proceeding…To my mind, the greatest benefir would be that adding the word “imeachment,” more people would tune into the hearings due to the increased importance, and thereby learn for themselves what all Der Gropinfuror has been up to for the last two years…When that happens, support for impeachment will go up quickly…

      • No one’s saying no impeachment, they’re saying no impeachment yet, the significant word is yet. All in good time. Like everyone else, I’d like to have seen his moldy ass tossed out of the WH long ago (or never there in the first place), but the more that’s uncovered about his crimes and corruption, the better chance we have that the Senate will finally come around. I don’t want this guy getting any more free passes than he’s already had. He needs to be locked up, for good.

  2. The mystery so far is the mind boggling majority opinion, according to “polls”, is that impeachment is not popular and has a good chance of being counterproductive and helping the GOP hold on to the Senate. I don’t believe the public is upset over obstruction of justice which sounds like a technicality rather than a crime.
    Until an obvious, relatable crime is revealed that catches the imagination of that majority it makes for poor politics to impeach.

      • Yep, and it was the televised hearings that forced people to tune in, since nothing else was on, and the realization of what was going on tipped the balance once and for all…

    • That’s because people are sooooo fed up with
      Robert Mueller and Trump =-Russia that they’ve tuned out…If an impeachment hearing starts up, people WILL tune in, and when they find out the actual depths of the corruption, the support for impeachment will go through the roof…


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