Despised Pena Nieto Bestows Mexico’s Highest Honor On Jared Kushner and Mexicans Are P*ssed


Corrupt Mexican president Enrique Pena Nieto leaves office in two days, and he’s going out with a bang, awarding Mexico’s highest honor for foreigners, the Order of the Aztec Eagle to Jared Kushner, whom he calls a “grand ally.” Unfortunately, his countrymen do not share his sentiments. The Guardian:

Mexicans on Tuesday voiced their outrage over Kushner receiving the Order of the Aztec Eagle, whose past recipients include Queen Elizabeth and Nelson Mandela.

“Giving [Kushner] the Aztec Eagle is a supreme act of humiliation and cowardice,” tweeted historian Enrique Krauze.

Carlos Bravo Regidor, a professor at the Centre for Research and Teaching in Economics, said: “This is the perfect ending for Peña Nieto’s term: an insuperable illustration of the indignity of his government’s position regarding Trump.”

“It’s the final kick in the crotch for Mexicans.”

Pena Nieto has been accused of pursuing a “son in law strategy” with respect to Mexican/US relations, and the strategy has been characterized as “palace politics at its worst.” Pena Nieto is leaving office after six years of corruption and conflict of interest scandals and a 24% approval rating. The Kushner fiasco is the final nail in the coffin for an already demolished reputation.

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