Nooses Appear At Mississippi Capital While Mia Love Blames Trump For Minorities Being Run Out Of GOP


The times they are a changin’. Racism may not be gasping it’s last breath in the deep south, but it is not flourishing unimpeded as it once did. Two interesting developments today: As Trump prepares to go to Tupelo and Gulfport, Mississippi to get Cindy Hyde-Smith across the finish line in tomorrow’s election against Mike Espy, he’ll have some additions to the scenery to view.

The second event of interest today, underscoring the blatant racism with which the Republican party is indelibly identified these days, is the concession speech given by Mia Love in Utah. Love pointed out Trump’s comment, “Mia Love gave me no love,” a flippant remark which Trump thought very clever, but which was meant as a rebuke to Love for not being sufficiently loyal to der Fuhrer. Love called him out on it. RawStory:

“What did he have to gain by saying such a thing about a fellow Republican?” Love told a crowd of supporters on Monday. “Mr. President, we’ll have to chat about that. However, this gave me a clear vision of his world as it is. No real relationship just convenient transactions. That is an insufficient way to implement sincere service and policy.”

“This election experience and these comments [from Trump] shines a spotlight on the problems Washington politicians have with minorities and black Americans,” Love continued. “It’s transactional. It’s not personal. Politicians claim they know what’s best for us from a safe distance. Yet, they are never willing to take us home.”

“Because Republicans never take minorities communities into their home and citizens into their homes and into their hearts, they stay with Democrats and bureaucrats in Washington because they do take them home,” she added. “I’ve seen the cost to conservatives for not truly taking people into their hearts. Democrats saw newly-elected black members and women to Congress in this election. This is a matter of fact that Republicans lost in this regard.”

Love is spot on about Trump. All his relationships are transactional. He cares deeply about nothing and no one, and minorities are dead last on the list, even below the KKKristians that Trump gives lip service to. The Republican party  with Trump as it’s standard bearer has made its bed. In a country as diverse as this one, it is going to be a very lumpy one to lie in, especially in the somber nights just ahead as the switch over from a unified government to Democratic rule in the House guarantees that “President T” (his new name for himself) will be tossing and turning. He better get some rest now because he has no idea what he’s in for, as he’s asked to be accountable for his actions — quite possibly for the first time in his life. His first wife, Ivana, was right. He shouldn’t have run for president because he had a better life before. Oh, well.

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