Trump Appoints Yet A Fourth Mar-a-Lago Crony To Ambassadorship, This Time To South Africa


There is zero news worthiness to the fact of another rich asshole friend of Donald Trump’s being appointed to a post to which she is totally unqualified for — and is in fact, by virtue of trade or experience, the very antithesis of who you would want in the position. That is the norm in Trump World. What is news worthy is that these appointments have not only lost the ability to shock us, they’ve even lost their ability to elicit a yawn. Just for the record, then, nothing more, you need to know that Wednesday, Lana Marks, handbag designer and Mar-a-Lago member, was appointed to be the new Ambassador to South Africa. And of course she has zero experience or relevant training — are you kidding? And naturally she leaves a trail of lawsuits, unpaid bills and stiffed creditors in her wake. She’s a friend of Trump. You were expecting something else? Palm Beach Post:

Marks must be confirmed by the Senate Foreign Relational Committee, which could take under consideration more than a dozen past lawsuits against her in Aspen, New York, California and South Florida. In those lawsuits she has repeatedly been accused of stiffing her attorneys, accountants, landlords and employees.

In July 2015, she was evicted from her office on Worth Avenue for failing to pay $25,399 in rent and other expenses. In 2004, 2007 and 2009, the landlords for her store on Worth Avenue also filed complaints against her for failing to pay rent, although the cases were settled without eviction.

But here’s a new wrinkle: Marks is already in an adversarial legal relationship with the country to which she has been appointed to serve. That’s getting off to a great start.

But she also has a trail of business lawsuits and bitter, international legal battles in South Africa and Israel with her siblings over a family trust and the care for their 89-year-old mother.

In Trump World, the more unsuited you are for the post, the greater your likelihood of getting it.

So watch out, endangered species, Lana Marks will be after your hide, tusks, whatever, to create her finery and sell it off for six figures to movie stars. You’ll be going to hell in a handbag, literally, along with the rest of us.

Wouldn’t now be a good time for the Vogons to put through the intergalactic expressway?

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  1. Trump has two faults, spending more time on the golf course than being a REAL president, and of course his most refined and robust talent … saying nothing in a compound mashup of worthless words, leaving the United States of America in the dust of international trust and approval …
    Climbing out of this hole he has dug for us, may take years if we can even get our heads up above the water again … perhaps with him and his offal swamp out of office our allies and used-to-be friendly countries will rush in to reestablish normalcy …?
    New House members, GO FOR IT !!!

    • I completely disagree. If Trump would only spend more time on the golf course, he could leave running the country to those who know what they’re doing.


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