MAGA Building Blocks For Sale, So Kids 5 and Up Can “Build The Wall”


This looks and sounds like an SNL sketch, but it’s serious as a heart attack. KRON Channel 4:

Conservative gift retailer Keep And Bear recently launched its brand new line of toys: MAGA building blocks.

The Lego knock-offs, which encourage anyone ages 5 and up to “Build the Wall,” comes with more than 100 pieces “including President Trump in a MAGA hard hat!”

The set costs $29.95 and is available for pre-order.

According to the toy’s description, here’s the idea behind the blocks: “A mob of 10,000 Central American migrants is marching through Mexico and heading toward El Paso, Texas. Mexican border agents attempted to stop them at the Mexican border, but to no avail.”

So you can give your children great ideas about life with this gift. Make them afraid of the new boogie man, invented by the real monster in the Oval Office, and give them wall building blocks and of course — set ’em up with guns ASAP. They’re never too young to learn to kill and maim, right?

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