‘Go F*ck Yourself, You Are Not Welcome In This Country’ Says French Talk Show Host To Trump


We have come a loooooong way since Jack and Jackie Kennedy took Paris by storm and all of France became enthralled to the Sorbonne-educated First Lady, who acted as translator for her husband and Charles DeGaulle. (By the by, Melania Trump claims to be fluent in French, among several other languages, but I digress.)

The farce that was this *residential trip to Paris is a full 180 degrees away from that one. But the French love farce, they invented it and right now, Donald Trump is the man they love to hate and don’t expect that to change. Trump’s tweet dissing Emmanuel Macron’s approval rating Tuesday morning is not going to sweeten the pot any, that’s for damn sure. Donald Trump is easily the most hated man in Europe and if he continues making gaffes in his future visits abroad, Most Hated Man In The World will be a title he could print up on business cards, and nobody will question it.

Yann Barthes is the host of a popular show in France, “Quotidien.” First he mocks Trump’s “style” mercilessly with a super cut, saying, “We are in the porn industry in this country, you came to the right place.” Then he bottom lines it.

This is one of the best 1:15 you’ll have all day. Enjoy.

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