NBC, Fox Pull Same Racist Ad That CNN Refused To Air In The First Place, Now That Damage Is Done


NBC aired a version of the blatantly racist ad proselytized by Donald Trump Jr., on Sunday Night Football, where it drew a number of catcalls. On Monday morning the network made the decision to withdraw it. New York Times:

“After further review we recognize the insensitive nature of the ad and have decided to cease airing it across our properties as soon as possible,” NBC Universal said in a statement.

The 30-second version run by NBC did not include the false claim about Democrats, but it still drew a direct connection from immigrants to crime, a tactic the president has repeatedly used. (Many studies have shown immigrants do not drive an increase in crime.)

NBC’s decision to run the Trump campaign ad stood in stark contrast to CNN, which publicly responded when Donald Trump Jr. criticized the network for refusing to run it.

“CNN has made it abundantly clear in its editorial coverage that this ad is racist,” the network’s public relations account posted on Twitter. “When presented with an opportunity to be paid to take a version of this ad, we declined.”

The ad was paid for by Donald Trump for President, as part of his ongoing racist dirge, demonizing immigrants and gaslighting his followers into believing that the country is under threat of imminent invasion.

Now here’s a hoot. The ad was also pulled by Fox News. Could it have been too racist for them? Nah.

You know what they say about putting toothpaste back in the tube.

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