Brett Kavanaugh’s Female Clerks Had To Look A ‘Certain Way’ Says Yale Student


Securing a judicial clerkship is a daunting proposition, but not the way you think. A Yale law school student who was seeking a clerkship was told that Alex Kosinzki sexually harassed his female clerks and Brett Kavanaugh needed his clerks to look a “certain way.” Huffington Post:

“He did not say what the ‘certain look’ was. I did not ask,” the woman said. “It was very clear to me that he was talking about physical appearance, because it was phrased as a warning ― and because it came after the warning about Judge Kozinski.”

“I had mixed feelings,” said the woman, who asked to remain anonymous due to privacy concerns. “On the one hand, it’s a yellow flag; on the other hand, phew, I hadn’t heard anything else.”

She was also encouraged by the professor’s wife, a law professor known as “Tiger Mom” to submit photographs of what she might wear, a request which she declined.

Giving law students advice on what to wear to an interview isn’t terribly odd, but the particular warning about Kavanaugh is unusual, said Vivia Chen, a senior columnist at The American Lawyer magazine who writes about gender and the legal profession. Typically the advice would be more general, like wear a nice suit, she said.

“It sounds sexist,” Chen said. “If you’re going into that kind of detail, it sounds like the judge has a fetish, frankly, and that the law professors are feeding the fetish.”

It sounds sexist because it is. Plus, an obvious question comes to mind: do you suppose any male student contemplating employment with Justice Ginsburg, for example, was ever encouraged to submit photos of himself modeling garments that he might wear to an interview?

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  1. Why hasn’t any Senator brought up The Orange Toddler’s prior picks for anything and what fuvking disasters they were and are? No vetting, no background, hiding important documents. I wouldn’t trust him to pick out a suit to wear.


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