Donny Deutsch: “Kavanaugh Confirmation Is Political Suicide for Republicans”


Well, even though we’re on the same side politically, Donny Deutsch and I are polar opposites in our prediction regarding whether Kavanaugh  will be seated by Republicans. I just now finished a column giving Kavanaugh a 99% chance, whereas Deutsch believes Kavanaugh is done, because it would be political suicide for Republicans. Yeah, and we believed the same about electing Trump. How did that work out?

Oh, it will cost Republicans, as I noted, it will near surely cost the Republicans their Senate majority. But, versus lining up a conservative Supreme Court for the next three decades, that’s the easiest political calculation ever made.

Regardless, this is about Deutsche.

“There is one option they can’t walk away from, this is where kind of culturally and politically the worlds are colliding,” Deutsch said. “The subhead of the #MeToo movement is, it’s time for men to listen. If the Republicans are saying we’re not even going to listen, you know, we don’t even want to hear it out, that is a suicidal mission.”

Deutsch conceded that it was basically impossible to verify Ford’s accusations, but he found them credible — and he said GOP lawmakers must take them seriously or permanently stain their reputation.

“I would hate to be any Republican going forward in their career, not just in this election that will stand up and say, ‘No, we weren’t even willing to listen,’” Deutsch said. “That would be going against an entire societal wave that is happening in our culture, that is going against an entire gender reboot of who we are.”


Again, this prediction relies upon the presumption that Republicans can be shamed. Go try shaming your couch, you’ll have much more success.

Deutsche predicts that women will come out in droves for the November elections, thus costing the Republican majorities in both houses. To which, again, I say “so”? The political calculations for any Republican who doesn’t vote to seat Kavanaugh are far worse, because they will be primaried into a hole in the moon if they don’t go through with it.

This is precisely why Mitch McConnell vigorously opposed making Kavanaugh the nominee, though McConnell only worried about the long paper trail. But, McConnell thought they could get all the conservatism for less trouble through another candidate. Trump, however, would never resist a man who questioned the legitimacy of presidential investigations. Politically, Republicans will lose either way. Deutsch just has not fully done the calculation regarding the appeal of a thirty year run on the Supreme Court.

Easy choice IMO.

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