Trump Wants Sessions to Investigate “Anonymous” Op-Ed. Like a Good Dictator


“United States on line 3, Mr. President.”

“Huh? What the hell do they want to talk about? This is dumb, they’re dumb.”

“Sir, they are pretty insistent. I don’t think they’ll go away without a word. It can’t be too bad, they are just citizens, they are meaningless.”

“Alright, damn it. Bring me a coke, I guess I’ll tee off ten minutes late.”

Trump: “This is your president, can you believe that? Glad you called, we really should talk about the magnificent job I’m doing, that’s because I …”

United States: “Stop speaking for just a second, you work for us.”

Trump: “What? I’m the boss, I won, can you believe it? Bet your butts I rule over all of …”

United States: “Damn it, Donald, would you please please please just shut the fk up for once and here us out for one sentence?”

Trump: “Hurry up.”

United States: “This is America, Biff. We don’t jail people for expressing their First Amendment rights. That is done in places with juntas and gorilla armies. Not here.”

Trump: “I am going to sue the …”

United States: “Whatever, you’ll be gone soon enough. Just thought it was worth a shot, buddy. Take care, have a great round. Oh, and please continue to not do a thing about your downfall.”

Hangs up.


Donald Trump said today that Jeff Sessions should investigate the leak that led to the anonymous op-ed in the NY Times, according to reports here, and seen on MSNBC.

Trump spoke from Air Force one, there is only audio available right now, and the highlights are all I have. He said Jeff Sessions “should” investigate who wrote the New York Times Op-Ed, for reasons having to do with national security.

My god.

“For national security reasons.”

Chasing down a critic, one who works in his own White House, one who sees what is happening and is terrified. More importantly, Trump wants to go after an American citizen who criticized the president, the justification is the same one used in third world nations, and Putin’s Russia, for security, of course.

This is a dictator, no question about it.

The only good thing going for us at the moment? It doesn’t seem like Jeff Sessions feels the obligation to take any direction from Trump, and has maintained his independence through vicious attacks by Trump. It is likely that Jeff Sessions was on the phone a moment ago, as part of that call, knowing full well we don’t do that here.



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