Ivanka Claims To “Honor” the American Worker On Labor Day…


Over the weekend, Ivanka Trump sent out a tweet to honor the American worker on Labor Day.  American workers immediately saw the irony.

The hypocrisy is evident.  While Ivanka and her father’s administration asked 15 companies to sign a “Pledge to America’s Workers” in July, they have spent a lot of time not hiring Americans for their family businesses, both at home (at Mar-a-Lago) and abroad (for Ivanka’s clothing line, Melania’s jewelry line).

“Our hope is that millions of men and women who have been on the sidelines will now have the chance to find fulfilling work that lifts up them and their families,” Ivanka Trump wrote in her op-ed piece in the Wall Street Journal. “If we give American students and workers the training and opportunities they need, they will continue to be the greatest pioneers of the 21st century.”

Wonder what they think of Ivanka’s “hope” that “millions of men and women who have been on the sidelines will now have the chance to find fulfilling work that lifts up them and their families” in China, Vietnam, Bangladesh and Indonesia?


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