Trump Walks Back Helsinki Disgrace, Claims It Was An Innocent Slip Of The Tongue


The Onion must be ready to go out of business because with Trump in the White House there is just no way to make up anything crazier than real life right now.

Trump tried his best to pull off his disgraceful behavior in Helsinki by blaming it on the news media, “Fake News is going Crazy!” he said in a tweet. However, he couldn’t make it fly and so he was forced to walk back his anti-US intelligence remark and he did so by claiming that it was a mere slip of the tongue.

“In a key sentence in my remarks, I said the word would instead of wouldn’t. The sentence should have been‘I don’t see any reason why it WOULDN’T be Russia.’ Sort of a double negative. So you can put that in, and I think that probably clarifies things. I accept our intelligence community’s conclusion that Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election took place … Could be other people also. A lot of people out there. Once again, full faith and support for America’s intelligence agencies. I have a faith full faith in our intelligence agencies.”

Trump is really on the ropes if he has to walk back rather than double down. Let him squirm. It’s only going to get worse. His handler isn’t going to be happy that he was unable to defend Mother Russia and had to capitulate.


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