Did Trump Just Destroy Himself?


Yesterday, the whole world saw Trump destroy himself.  When asked who he was going to believe—the Russians or his own U.S intelligence officers, he refused to choose.

Trump: “They (my intelligence officers) said, ‘I think it is Russia.’ I have President Putin (standing here). He just said it is not Russia. I will say this: I do not see any reason why it would be (Russia).”

He said the U.S. has been acting with “foolishness and stupidity” for “many years”.

This may take time to sink in, for some.  Others have already started to voice their criticism.

Trump went with Putin, and against the CIA, FBI our allies and our very own country. This may be the event that brings both sides together in a bipartisan effort to get rid of Trump, one way or another.  Trump cannot walk back from his words, and even if he could, Trump has never apologized for anything. No explanation will work, because there is none. This will be talked about for months and years to come.  It will define him.  It was 44 years ago in 1974 that Nixon said, “I am not a crook.”  No one has forgotten those words and no one will forget the ones Trump uttered at the Helsinki Summit.



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