Trump Says He Doesn’t Know Whether To Believe US Intelligence or Putin Calls US “Stupid”


This is unspeakable. This is what the sitting president of the United States has to say about his own country.

And of course Russia agrees.

Now here’s the latest from the Treason Summit. New York Times:

• In hours of meetings with Mr. Putin, Mr. Trump raised the matter of election interference by Russia, which Mr. Putin again denied, but when asked directly whether he believed Mr. Putin or his own intelligence agencies, Mr. Trump declined to answer.

Dan Coats, the director of national intelligence, and other American intelligence officials “said they think it’s Russia,” Mr. Trump said. “I have President Putin, he just said it’s not Russia. I don’t see any reason why it would be.”

But when asked directly whom he believes, Mr. Trump changed the subject to misconduct by Democrats during the campaign.

The president’s ambivalence, after the indictments of Russian intelligence agents for the election hacking, and after the findings of congressional committees, represents a remarkable divergence between Mr. Trump and the American national security apparatus.

And here’s the kicker: Putin lies through his teeth, while he’s standing right next to Trump.

Mr. Putin said: “President Trump mentioned the so-called interference of Russia in the American elections. I had to reiterate things I said several times: that the Russian state has never interfered, and is not going to interfere, in internal American affairs, including the election process.”

Vladimir Putin is a war criminal and he is a butcher. But this unspeakable creature occupying the Oval Office disregards the words of American intelligence agencies and goes along with this thug. Words fail me.

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