Schiff Tells Mueller to Subpoena Trump and John Kelly


Adam Schiff, one of the ballsiest Dem out there right now, dropped the hammer and tells Mueller to subpoena Trump and John Kelly. His call for subpoenas came in response to a statement over the weekend that Rudy Guiliani made to the New York Times, which basically set new conditions for Mueller to roadblock an interview with Trump.

In the New York Times article, Guiliani said that Donald Trump would sit down with Robert Mueller only if Mueller could show “evidence that Mr. Trump committed a crime and that his testimony is essential to completing the investigation.”  The statement made it evident, as per Politicususa, that Guiliani and the team of Trump lawyers are “doing everything that they can think of to make sure that the President Of The United States will not talk to the man who is investigating him for collusion with Russia during the 2016 election, obstruction of justice, and who knows how many potential financial crimes”.

Just remember that If Democrats win control of the House in November, it will be Adam Schiff who will be leading the House Russia investigation.  We need him and his backbone to help take Trump down.



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