Avenatti Has Photos of Child Detention Centres: Releasing Them on Twitter


Michael Avenatti has been teasing us with information about his role in representing whistleblowers within ICE.  He says these people have reached out to him to provide him with information as to what is really going on.  Looks like Avenatti is ready to share.

On Thursday, Avenatti announced that he was representing whistleblowers from within ICE.

The next day, he threw down the gauntlet over Trump’s lies about his family separation policy:

Yesterday Avenatti hinted that he had acquired some “explosive information” from the whistleblower.  He wanted to ensure it was released “for maximum impact for the public good.”

Which brings us to today.  This evening, Avenatti sent out a tweet claiming he has been able to get images from inside the facilities for children:

Shortly after, he followed up with this photo, presumably from within a child facility (though he doesn’t say):

According to HillReporter, an anonymous source states that the image was taken at the Cayuga Centre in Harlem, New York.  This is the same facility that the press has been camped out at for the last several days, where at least 239 separated children currently reside.

We will update as soon as he releases any more information.

Update June 25, 2018. Avenatti released this video the Rachel Maddow Show as well as these photos.


Update June 26, 2018. Avenatti released these photos on Twitter.

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