Man Who Long Ago Murdered Irony, Cannot I.D. It.


I’ve got nothing.

Do y’all remember the kid in school, or the snotty-ass brown-nose intern, the one who would never use a five cent word when a ten dollar option was available, and half the time would use it improperly, all because he thought it made him sound smart? Yeah, that kid. He’s president now.

I don’t know why, but I can’t get this out of my head:

Yes, our president is Otto from A Fish Called Wanda. He believes he’s a master of everything, always the smartest in the room, a ladies man, and yet is the butt of every joke.

“Apes don’t read philosophy.”

“Yes, they do Otto, they just don’t understand it.”

Kind of like our president, who knows there’s a word out there, “irony,” and knows it is somewhat “intellectual” in its application. Trump sees himself as smart, and so he uses it, clearly not having the first clue as to the definition.

How ironic, that the man who uses Twitter to get his “real” message directly to the American people, reveals so damn much reality it hurts, both him and us.

***I’m on Twitter now, in large part because of you guys. I consider every “follow” as a true honor, please feel free to follow me @MiciakZoom, I promise to find real irony in the world and place it front and center.



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