The Fallacy Of John Kelly’s “Effective Deterrent” Strategy In Ripping Families Apart .


You know, when I think about it, I’m really glad that John Kelly is retired from the army. Who knows what kind of lame shit he’d try to pull in a foreign country today if he was still in command. Think about this for a moment. One of the darkest chapters of our national history were the despicable Japanese internment camps of World War Two. Even in that terrible lapse of human dignity, at least we kept the Japanese families together in those miserable camps. If John Kelly had been around, the kids would have been shipped off to Nome, Alaska.

John Kelly, the popinjay Generalissimo, thinks that forcibly separating families illegally crossing the border is an “effective deterrent to illegal immigration.” His warped logic is that parents won’t dare to try to cross the border illegally if they think that their own children are going to be ripped from their arms and shipped off somewhere else. But the fact is that this won’t work, for one simple reason.

The reason is that, unbelievably enough, there are still countries worse than this country on the planet. Put yourselves in a refugees shoes for a moment. How bad to things have to be to make you pack up your child, and whatever meager possessions you can carry on your back, risk humiliation, injury, or possibly even death, for yourself and your children, and travel thousands of miles to try to get into a country whose sitting El Presidente Pendejo is doing everything in his power to make your new country as shitty as the one you just left? But, at least for the moment, being separated from your children is a better alternative than being buried with them, so still they will come.

While Kelly and His Lowness may be well versed in the law of self preservation, it’s the law of unintended consequences that’s going to kill them. During the campaign, and even into his Presidency, Trump ranted and raved that he wants immigration, but that it has to be right kind of immigration. People have to come through the front door, and not sneak over the back yard fence.

But, as with all things Trump, the problem is that he can’t grasp moderation. He wants people to come through the front door. That’s exactly what they’re doing, and still their children are being torn from them. In the case I chronicled in my article earlier today, a Congolese woman and her 7 year old daughter asked for asylum. They didn’t try to sneak in packed in a box of Nerf balls on a freighter, they walked up to the Customs Port of Entry in San Diego, and asked for asylum. The woman passed the initial immigration interview for asylum, yet three days later, her daughter was forcibly removed from their room and shipped off to an unaccompanied minor refugee resettlement center in Chicago. For following existing US immigration laws covering asylum requests.

This stupid, inhumane, sadistic policy is going to have exactly the opposite effect of what Trump and Kelly want. They want to stop illegal immigrants from crossing the border with the threat of tearing the family apart. But, by applying the same sick policy to legitimate refugee applicants, following current immigration asylum laws, they are not going to stop these people from coming here. Exactly the opposite, what they are going to do is to turn them into illegal immigrants! If people are going to forcibly separated from their children for doing the right thing, then where is the risk in doing the wrong thing, in trying to find an alternate, illegal route into the country, and hope that they can go to ground before being discovered, if the worst that can happen is that they’re separated from their children? If that’s going to happen either way, why not reach for the gold ring?

I swear to God people, my cat puts more thought into which sofa cushion to plop down on for a nap that these shit-for-brains put into policies that affect the physical and mental well being of innocent men, women, and children. And with their abject racism and stupidity, they are turning this country into a pariah among civilized nations. Welcome to Trumpmenistan, enjoy your stay.

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