New Charges Filed Against Trump After He Tried To Have Mar-a-Lago Security Footage Deleted


The third indictment didn’t get handed up by the grand jury today, and that’s probably because this bomb was ready to detonate. Washington Post:

Federal prosecutors announced new charges against Donald Trump in his alleged hoarding and hiding of classified documents at his Mar-a-Lago home, alleging the former president and a newly-charged aide tried to keep security camera footage from being reviewed by investigators.

Trump was also hit with with a fresh charge, in addition to the 31 counts he already faces, of illegally retaining national defense information. The indictment also charges that Trump and two aides, Waltine “Walt” Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira, requested that another Trump employee “delete security camera footage at the Mar-a-Lago Club to prevent the footage from being provided to a federal grand jury.”

De Oliveira is the second Trump aide to be charged in the documents case. Nauta was charged alongside Trump in June with helping the former president mislead investigators as they sought to retrieve all of the classified documents that remained at the former president’s home and private club after he left the White House.

Investigators for special counsel Jack Smith have repeatedly pressed De Oliveira to explain his actions in June 2021, when he helped Nauta move boxes around Trump’s home, and in July, when he allegedly had conversations with others about security camera footage, according to people familiar with the investigation. The people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss secret grand jury proceedings, have said investigators grew increasingly skeptical of De Oliveira’s answers as the investigation proceeded.

That is the story in a nutshell. Just another bomb du jour. And now you know why there was no grand jury indictment today, Jack Smith was modifying his case.

And the GOP just watches each explosion on the legal battleground and doesn’t think that maybe they should pull the plug. There’s no leadership in the party. Mitch McConnell is clearly on his last legs. It wouldn’t be fair in any event to defend on him. McCarthy lives from day to day, and we’ve just heard from Mitt Romney, another eminence grise of the GOP, and his best contribution to the political narrative these days is to advise primary candidates when to give it up.

It’s simply incredible to watch this unfold. This is what happens when you’ve got a tribe of all braves and no chief. No wonder Lindsey Graham so loved John McCain. Compared to who’s left in the party, McCain was a prince.

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead