How would we survive politics without comedy and how would comedy fare without Randy Rainbow, our favored multi-hued court jester? Randy has been busy cobbling together images and his latest parody is a spoof on the number “Welcome To The 60’s” from Hairspray.

I particularly like the second Hairspray movie with John Travolta and Christopher Walken. The story then went on from the screen to Broadway, intriguingly enough.

Here’s Randy’s version then we go down Memory Lane.

To me, this is the “original source material.”

DeSantis is not a move towards DeFuture, just ask Disney.


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  1. DuhSantis is a bad move, which ever direction it goes. Such a noxious scumbag. I never saw Hairspray so thanks for including the clip from the movie. It was a fun watch, as is Randy, always.

    • There are two Hairspray movies. The original one, with John Waters, is to die for. You definitely want to screen that. The remake is also wonderful. That’s where the second clip is from. Then, intriguingly, Hairspray became a Broadway musical. We’ve seen any number of hit Broadway musicals go from the stage to the screen, Oklahoma!, South Pacific, you name it, but to my knowledge this is the only musical that started out on the silver screen and then went to Broadway.


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