3, 2, 1, Engage Destruct Sequence


See, the real problem is that this is all happening too quickly. Every last one of these twits, from Emperor Connus Jobbus, to his court of eunuchs, thought that they were going to get four more years of free play out of Tubby the Ewok. That’s why they didn’t bother hiding their crimes or ethics violations very well, nobody was going to come looking.

Good Lord, Trump has only been out of office for 48 days, and already he has a second state prosecutor looking to slap him with racketeering charges! I’ve said from the start that once people started looking, this would happen. Not only is Trump too incompetent and lazy to hide anything, he has always been arrogant enough to believe that nobody would dare to take him on.

Right now, Trump badly needs two things, and he needs them, like, day before yesterday. The first is money, and great gobs of it. Trump saw the flaming shit show that his impeachment defense was, thank God the fix was in on that one. He can’t take any chances with his company wealth and personal freedom.

Trump’s current pissing contest with the RNC about their use of his name and images in fund raising would be hilarious were it not a graphic illustration of how pathetic and needy he is right now. Trump registered as, ran as, and governed as a Republican. He is fair game for them to use, and his lawyers know it.

But the fact that he was willing to not only publicly confront them, but to release a public press statement under the letterhead of his Leadership PAC, calling on Republicans to send him the money directly shows he’s keeping pressure on the RNC.

And I think I know what it is. The second thing that Trump desperately needs, both to raise money, as well as to exert control over the party, is massive social media presence. And he doesn’t have it. Personally, I think his pressure campaign against Ronna McDaniel is to have her give him some high honorary title in the RNC. I think that Trump believes that this would allow the RNC to use it’s social media platforms to spew his shit out as an official of the organization, and let Facebook and Twitter just try to shut them down.

There is one more comparison I want to make here, simply because I believe it is accurate. This is pure conjecture on my part, but with everything I have seen and learned of the man, I believe it could well be accurate of his thinking.

In the final days of World War II, cowering in his bunker, Hitler bitterly complained that his vaunted Reich did not deserve to survive, as his Aryan supermen had proven incapable of beating inferior races. Better for the nation to be crushed, and let the hardship of rebuilding create an even stronger Aryan race.

From the time that Trump took over the GOP, that became his personal Reich, and he demanded total fealty and loyalty. Especially when investigators began zeroing in on him, it became critical for the GOP to ensure his reelection, to allow him to run-out-the-clock on the statute of limitations for most of his crimes.

When Trump was defeated, the GOP basically ceased to matter to him. After all, Trump was the GOP, and its only job was to protect him. When it failed at that, it no longer deserved to survive. So, from where I’m sitting, if feathering his legal defense fund nest with RNC contributions bankrupts the GOP and brings it crashing down? It’s no skin off of his nose. Fuck ’em, they deserve it. That’s just the way he thinks/

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35


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  1. It almost seems like 45 is a DEMOCRAT in disguise, the way he is destroying the REPUBLICAN party. What an ASSet he is. Keep it up, we don’t want you, but you are doing is a great favor to the democratic party!

  2. “Personally, I think his pressure campaign against Ronna McDaniel is to have her give him some high honorary title in the RNC. I think that Trump believes that this would allow the RNC to use it’s social media platforms to spew his shit out as an official of the organization, and let Facebook and Twitter just try to shut them down.”

    Well, the only problem with that scenario is that Facebook and Twitter would have just as much right to suspend, block or outright ban the RNC as long as the organization continued allowing Trump to spew his stuff–especially as an “official” of the RNC. The RNC, in order to stay on either platform, would HAVE to preface any and all Trump “musings” with a very unpleasant (for Trump, at least) statement with a “The following/preceding content does not reflect the official views of the RNC nor does the RNC authorize the content and is merely the viewpoint of the author.” (“Following/preceding” would, of course, depend on where the disclaimer is placed.)

    I can’t imagine Trump would be very happy with being “censored” by the RNC (even if he’s allowed to publish his rantings completely unfiltered).

    And I imagine the RNC would get two, maybe three, warnings to take more stringent actions to rein in Trump before the platform/s actually brought down the hammer on the Committee’s official account/s.

    • I wouldn’t be so sure about FB and Twitter dictating terms to the RNC, much less shut them down regardless of what Trump says via the RNC accounts. That’s especially true of FB because Zuckerberg has been collaborating with Trump’s people since the 2016 campaign. They had their own people and space at FB headquarters even. Here’s the thing – Zuckerberg in particular will go (and has proven already his willingness to do so) to prevent ANY regulation of his baby. The GOP having enough power to keep that from happening is is lifeline, and Trump himself can cause enough political trouble for any GOP types who might be inclined to go along thinking that regulation can wind up hurting Democrats too since conservatives have such a big head start on “working the refs.” Plus, like most uber rich assholes Zuck doesn’t want to have to pay any taxes. If the U.S. were to ever get serious consideration of regulation of FB going then combined with the European Union and even China it would have a significant impact on FB. They’d still be huge and influential (too much so in fact) but the problem regarding the sanity and accuracy of public discourse might get cut down to manageable proportions.

      FB and Zuck would still rake in boatloads of money but not the level Zuckerberg dreams of. He fears having enough technologically literate Democrats on Capitol Hill to mount a meaningful effort to rein him in. Trump is still his best shot at putting that off.


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