If you’re getting a sense of desperation out of the Kristi Noem dog debacle, you are assessing the situation correctly. Noem made a horrific blunder last week when it was revealed in a book review that she had shot her 14-month-old puppy, Cricket, in the face in a gravel pit. She “hated that dog,” and was frustrated with it because it couldn’t hunt properly, according to her account of events some 20 years back. The situation blew up in her face and she’s been trying to rework it every which way. This is the newest.

Why does Noem have to rework this? Two stellar reasons: 1. She doesn’t want to be finished in GOP politics; 2. She wants to be Trump’s VP pick. The GOP doesn’t want to abandon her, either.

Kristi Noem was originally scheduled to be the keynote speaker at the Brevard County, FL Republican Executive Committee Annual Dinner of May 25 as part of her book tour. Chairman Rick Lacey said that the recent firestorm about Noem writing in her book that she shot her dog and a goat will not change that.

Lacey told ‘Florida Politics‘ that he continues to support Noem:

“I saw the movie Old Yeller. When you had a dog that was vicious, the poor guy took care of it. You have to do what’s right. You have to protect your family from animals, whether from a wolf or a rapid dog. The SPCA puts down vicious animals every day.”

Of course, Noem story about how “dangerous” this dog was continues to evolve over time as the firestorm over the passage in her book continued unabated. Last night, she responded to softball questions from Republican Crisis Management Counsel Sean Hannity on Fox, where he did his best to try and rehabilitate her from the controversy.[…]

Meanwhile, the Trump campaign has reported disqualified Noem from consideration as his running mate and she appears to have been disinvited from Trump’s Apprentice-style retreat in Palm Beach this weekend where each of the prospective candidates will appear with him at a fundraiser.

If Noem has been disinvited, then that’s all you need to know. Let’s keep an eye out for who shows up and who doesn’t. Noem is in a tremendous case of denial right now. She simply does not want to accept the fact that in shooting that dog in the face she shot her political future in the same place and with the same result, instant destruction.

Trump does not want to offend or splinter his MAGA allies, the likes of Laura Loomer, Catturd, others who immediately went on record as being anti-Noem. And Noem can blame *fake news* all she wants to, the fact is that the excerpt is from her book. It is being quoted verbatim. She did this to herself. But, like her idol Donald Trump, she can’t accept personal accountability.

Let’s see who shows up this weekend at Mar-a-Lago. One of the main reasons that Trump wants to have each appear with him at a fundraiser is to find out who’s got fundraising chops. Noem has likely moved to the bottom of that list as well. Noem’s got too many negatives: the dog debacle has likely affected her fundraising ability and it certainly has generated bad press and alienated people on both sides of the cultural divide. It is extremely unlikely that Trump is going to pick her to be his VP after this and the disinvite is the strongest signal to date.

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  1. If the dog was so vicious that it was such a threat to the community, why did she let it run free in the area to begin with???

    Sorry Botox Barbie…….”that dog won’t hunt”……..pun intended.

    (For our friends across the pond and North of the Mason-Dixon Line, that is a colloquialism for her story is bullsh!t.)

  2. Wow. If the “disinvitation” from Trump is correct, then he’s certainly changed his mind about bravado. I mean, after all, wasn’t it Trump who BRAGGED that he could shoot someone in Times Square and get away with it? He was talking about killing a PERSON but, now, he’s worried about being associated with someone who essentially bragged about killing a dog?

    (Then again, he’s currently standing trial for non-lethal criminal actions and finding the courtroom isn’t all that pleasant so maybe he’s rethought that whole “Times Square” quote.)

    • Joseph: OK, it’s nitpicking, but IIRC VonSchitzenpantz’s comment was about shooting someone in front of his “fabulous” Trump Tower – Fifth Avenue, a couple of blocks east and fourteen north of Times Square. Your point is well taken, nonetheless.


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