This may end up being one of those cockeyed predictions that does in fact come true but not the way that the prophet intends it. You may have heard the name Julie Green. She is a MAGA prophetess who channels God. No issues of delusion or narcissism with this one, no siree. In her latest channeling session, Green describes Biblical plagues coming to strike the unrighteous.

I must say, I recall a day and age when both Bannon and Trump looked a lot better than they do today. And then there was this scandal last month, you may recall, STD or golf sores? Both, maybe?

Maybe that’s what happened to Trump yesterday, two big boils appeared on his face. Don’t forget the locusts along with the boils. We might have frogs falling from heaven as well. Or fishes falling from the clouds over a desert. Something about a firmament, I believe. Once again and always I call your attention to the fact that the most immoral man ever to run for president of these United States is somehow the beloved of the White Evangelicals. I guess you can put the emphasis on the White.


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  1. We’d better get prepared to see a whole lotta magats covered in boils. I’ve seldom seen people as evil as these mother effers.


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