Eating Their Tail


Sweet Jesus. We aren’t even into the primary season for the 2022 midterms, and already the cracks are showing in the GOP. For starters, while the vast majority of Republicans want Donald Trump to remain a force in the leadership of the party going forward, a bare majority of them, 51%, want him to be the standard bearer again in 2024.

I’ll admit, I didn’t see this one coming. Earlier today LA GOP Senator Bill Cassidy came out on media and said that he won’t be backing Trump for President in 2024. Cassidy has been a reliably GOP vote in the Senate, but his stance isn’t actually much of an act of heroism. Cassidy doesn’t come up for election until 2026, two years after a potential Trump run. But his declaration is notable none the less.

Politicians are compelled by three things, popularity, fund raising, and issues, And right now, the GOP is tanking in all three. The party as a whole is about as popular with the public as genital lice. And with their insane anti vaccine mandates, the GOP are placing their largest corporate donors into the meat grinder.

But by far and away the worst is the polling on the issues. Trump is totally consumed by relitigating the 2020 election, with this Star Wars fictional fantasy of him being restored to power. This is a craven attempt to get himself restored to power before his fat ass is indicted. And when you get outside of the 35% MAGA base, that’s an argument that’s a dog with fleas.

When you get beyond the Trump base, they are so done with the 2020o election. They have bills to pay, mortgages and car payments to make, and the 2020 election is over. Like it or not, Biden is the President. He’s sitting in the Oval Office, he is signing bills and executive orders, and the country is moving forward. The 2020 election is over! This is what Republicans like Cassidy are seeing.

And that is that relitigating the 2020 election is flogging a dead horse. The Democratic agenda is stalled thanks to the Senate traitors Manchin and Sinema. The message needs to be attacking the Democrats failure to advance their agenda, and provide a positive vision moving forward. But Trump’s sole litmus test is a total allegiance to the Bog Steal of 2020. And nobody is buying. The opposites are locked, and the middle cannot hold. Don’t touch that dial.

Follow me on Twitter at @RealMurfster35

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