Trump Announces Iowa Rally, Claims ’15 Million Mail In Ballots Were Uncounted’ Meaning For Him


It looks like the Big Lie is definitely Trumpty Dumpty’s platform, if he decides to run again. Today Breitbart ran a headline “15 Million Mail Ballots Unaccounted For In 2020 Election.” That became the centerpiece of a fundraising email going out.

This is a very sad day for the more than 75 MILLION Americans who voted for me, and the 15 MILLION Americans whose ballots were not counted.
We. Cannot. Trust. Mail. In. Ballots.

If the 2020 Election taught us anything, it is that Americans need TRANSPARENCY in the election system. If we had transparency last year, I think America would still have a leader who puts AMERICA FIRST.I’m calling on YOU to step up and fight alongside me and DEMAND HONEST Elections. This is critical, we can never let this happen again. It’s up to US to stop it.

And then of course the obligatory “send any amount….”

There’s an October 9 rally scheduled at the Iowa State Fairgrounds. Maybe he’ll announce then that he’s running. Again, I doubt it. I think he’s just going to tease it out forever so that he can keep grifting.

And just for good measure, Trump chimed in about the California recall election being rigged, what else? Yeah, sure would be weird if Democrats won in California, uh huh, right.

One thing about Trump, he is nothing if not predictable. He’s beefing up the Big Lie and announcing a rally concurrently.

And don’t forget, on the 20th anniversary of 9/11, this Saturday night, Trump will be on television for hours, purportedly to cover the Holyfield v. Belfort boxing championship. It goes without saying people on Twitter and elsewhere are taking bets about how much he talks about boxing and how much about the Big Lie.

It’s going to be a surreal 9/11 observance this weekend, mark my words.

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  1. You know, just imagine the outrage that would be spreading from right-wing sites if Barack Obama announced that he was going to be engaged in some sort of COMMERCIAL activity on 9/11.

    And, given the fake news from right-wingers regarding Biden’s appearance at the recent ceremony honoring the return of the dead service members from Afghanistan, I’m already expecting the right-wing to be planning some sort of similar crapfest against Biden regardless of what he does on 9/11.



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