Funday Furkids’ Homage to The Beatles First Tour of America


The Funday Furkids love Beatles music so of course they were eager to celebrate the 57th anniversary of the group’s first tour of America.

But which song to choose?

They wanted something from the playlist on that historic tour but found it hard to choose between so many songs. After a lengthy discussion, they narrowed it down to the six songs performed on February 14 in 1964 for their second appearance on “The Ed Sullivan Show.”

I suggested that because Sunday was also Valentine’s Day, they should choose a happy love song. But furkids don’t really get Valentine’s Day because of their unshakeable conviction that they should be loved and fussed over every day. But the suggestion at least helped them trim their list to four choices.

Eventually they whittled that down to two and finally they settled on “From Me To You.”

They tell me a nice old man named Paul gave them the coins for the jukebox this week so it’s primed and ready to go. All you need to do is press play then scroll down to the lyrics and sing along!




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  1. {{{Michelle}}} – love it. And so very appropriate to the day in a time of social distancing and quarantine. Sending love to you & Ms. Loula from me & the clowder.


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