Damn! Not Even a Full Day! Trump Spews “Both Sides.” AGAIN


No doubt, we all knew it was coming. I admit, I am shocked that it occurred this soon and that it happened while the instigator visited what is still a crime scene, loaded with the spirit of simple citizens simply going about their business.

Huff Post lays out the nightmare:

Sweet baby Jesus with a pacifier chewed to bits.

Alright, Antifa doesn’t go about their self-perceived mission in a way that I would choose. But, might I point out that Antifa actually stands for “anti-fascist,” which, actually is a sign of concern for this country. Juxtapose that fact with people who are inflamed to kill Hispanic Walmart shoppers because such people assume they are all intolerable immigrants and cannot possibly be welcomed guests, never mind actual Americans.

Murderous, xenophobic, monsters  are not equivalent to antifa. They are not even equivalent in Trump’s dead battery brain. He knows very little, but he does know the comparison is wrong. Has being wrong ever stopped him before.

I really do not know what all to add here. I am somewhat at a loss for words. I just … Oh, I remember now!

F-You, Trump.

That is close enough.


I will be with y’all again with a post later today. Your feedback has been invaluable. We are growing like a sweet baby, and it is due to you, not us. We have some surprises up our sleeves, and they will reward you. Thank you, you actually make this work easier, if not always enjoyable.

Peace, y’all



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    • Funny thing about that political graveyard you’re whistling past. Like all graveyards, it doesn’t really matter when you leave. You know you’re coming back sometime. And I’m looking forward to burying ALL your hopes and dreams.

      • Dunno, sometimes I think it best to let him write whatever and just ignore it. This site is dedicated to progressive views. If he enjoys trolling, it’s great to keep them starved. But I get that it is hard. Impossible sometimes. I appreciate your input, as always.

        • What can I say, Jason? I’ve a bad temper and my capacity for letting insults roll off me died earlier this decade. As such, I feel no need to pretend. Hell, I’m not even sure he’d have understood the joke without that last sentence. But if you ever want me to cut it out, just say so. It’s not my house.

          • No, in fact that is why I even mentioned that it can be impossible. I’ll let you know if I think it’s unproductive, but our readers invest in this site. In many ways it is as much yours as ours, and we feel strongly about that. Trusted readers will be able to establish their own boundaries, within reason – and you’re well within reason.

    • You wouldn’t be posting your hate here defending White Supremacist murderers if we Patriots calling out racists like you and fake 45 Putin puppet on PolitiZoom and hundreds of other progressive sites wasn’t working.

    • Me, too, sis.
      But, when offered part … well, when ownership extends appreciation in liquidity, one feels both an obligation and grateful. Plus, at the mothership, too much is measured in Rec lists. Here, we have our regulars and we know them, there is an obligation to provide them lots of material to choose from. You are greatly appreciated. Spread the word, there is good content in lots of places, including here. 🙂 …. especially since we were all birthed through success elsewhere.

      • Ooh! Good for you, if you are saying what I think you are. There are some really cool, nice people there. We both know what the drawbacks are, and they really stink.

  1. The hole Trump is digging for himself is narrow and deeper every day … I just hope that the draft of him slipping into that hole one day does not suck the rest of us down with him …


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