Yes! House Homeland Security Chair Bennie Thompson (D) Calls Lyin’ Kirstjen Nielsen On the Carpet.


The new Democratic head of the House Homeland Security Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss., is tired of this administrations lies and the lack of oversight afforded DHS by the last Congress and called DHS Head Nielsen to the carpet yesterday with a scathing come to Bejesus letter:



Key passage: (Bolds mine)

“Your border security presentation submitted to Congress today is yet another example of the misinformation and outright lies the Trump Administration has used to make the case for the President’s boondoggle border wall.”

Thompson also admonished Nielsen to get all her records together ASAP, including those relating to 7-year-old Jakelin Caal Maquin and 8-year-old Felipe Gómez Alonzo, who died in border patrol custody, and have them to his committee by Jan. 18th.

There’s a new sheriff in town, Nielsen and this one ain’t wearing a skull and crossbones on his hat!


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  1. Let’s see if the out of control GOP power hungry illegal Nazis will listen and comply with these requests. Highly doubt it – compared to high treason, murder, receiving bribes from foreign governments to do their bidding, money laundering, constant obstruction, likely they’ll pretend the D’s requests didn’t exist. This will very quickly turn into a stand-off in House and Senate Chambers, followed by hearings, court actions. Putin is currently advising Agolf Twitler to hold the government shutdown going over this invented fake emergency so he can declare Marshall law and turn the USA into a Nazi Dictatorship above all laws and rules. Next, he’ll bring in his Russian trained US MAGAT white supremacist terrorist cells that have been training in the Eastern Adirondacks of NY, near the Eastern shore of Lake Norman, NC and in the Smoky Mountains near Knoxville, TN to shoot peaceful Resisters to his Nazi-GOP takeover. All this by Putin to weaken & destroy the US from within and by tanking its economy, while Trumpelthinskin and McTurtle and the rest of the GOP-Nazis loot what’s left in the US Treasury, and finalize the Putin/GOP-Nazi coup of the USA. D Senators/House Reps & US Generals that hate Trump & Mueller’s FBI need to combine forces in secret, harness the full populous Resistance (WE THE PEOPLE) who are still in the majority, and resist/fight back as a unified force using all means necessary to save our US democracy from this foreign Putin invasion of bribed GOP treasonist sycophants.


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