HA! Lightning Strikes White House, Maybe God’s Had Enough Too


It’s not quite a plague of locusts or breaking out in boils but it could be a sign from on high.

Perhaps not coincidentally, it happened the same day as Brett Kavanaugh’s warm reception in Congress, plus Bob Woodward’s book is stirring up the pot, to say the least:

There’s a storm brewing over Trump’s SCOTUS nominee who’s getting scorched for snubbing the father of a Parkland shooting victim. Then, there’s legendary journalist Bob Woodward‘s book. The excerpts released Tuesday paint Trump as an egomaniac with “the understanding of a fifth or sixth grader.”

Among other claims … White House chief of staff John Kelly told colleagues Trump’s “an idiot. It’s pointless to try to convince him of anything. He’s gone off the rails. We’re in Crazytown.”

Kelly’s predecessor, Reince Priebus, reportedly called the presidential bedroom where Trump does most of his tweeting as “the devil’s workshop.” And, according to the book, Trump said of Attorney General Jeff Sessions, “This guy is mentally retarded. He’s this dumb Southerner.”

And don’t forget the sinkhole on the White House lawn. If Satan’s not coming up, maybe God is coming down. Better call Mike Pence.

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