Omarosa States that Trump Knew of Clinton’s Hacked Email Prior to Release from Wiki


Breaking on MSNBC right now, Omarosa gave an interview to Katy Tur in which Tur asked Omarosa if Trump knew of the hacked Hillary emails before Wikileaks released them. She stated; “Yes.”

It is a devastating allegation, if true.

This is dangerous ground, though. Because if this isn’t true, it gives Trump ammunition to come out and state that all these people with allegations against him have an agenda, they all want to tear him down, they all tell lies, and on and on. It feeds the witch-hunt, hoax, anti-Trump message like no other accusation could. As Brett Stephans of the New York Times stated; “If this is not true, she is doing him a massive favor.”

But if it is true, it puts Trump front and center into an international conspiracy to steal the presidency.

Truly, the stakes could not be higher, and no one is sure – yet – whether Omarosa can prove her allegation. But, it is worth noting, that where once she would not have been taken seriously, no one has gained more ground in the “credibility” race lately than Omarosa.

We shall see.

Oh, and Sarah Huckabee Sanders could not guarantee that Trump had never used the N-word, when asked during the White House press briefing. That happened, too. Just another day in the White House grease fire, demolition derby administration.



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