You know, just being the Chair of an ordinary congressional committee can be a dicey situation. After all, you're a big fish in a little pond. Ego can raise its ugly head. Just look at the GOP Twit Twins,...
To be honest, I've been wondering when this would start, and now is as good a time as any I suppose. We're just about 8 months from the 2022 midterms, and about 12-16 months from the unofficial kick off...
Little wonder Traitor Tot is having so much trouble, even controlling his own party. He's devolving, to the point where he no longer listens to anybody, and while he circles the drain, he's taking everything down in his vortex. How...
I'm sorry, but I'm totally fed up. My Bullshit-O-Meter is at max factor, and yet there is no relief in sight! For every Trombie acolyte who succumbs to Covid and from his hospital bed begs his podcast listeners to repent, two...
No, no, no John. The dinosaurs had their day, they had their chance, and natural selection and evolution did away with them!   Dr Ian Malcolm   Jurassic Park How many times do I have to say it? You never get a 2nd...
Fascist piglet and Donald Trump butt boy Kevin Roberts, President of the uber-right leaning Heritage Foundation - the organization that owns the Supreme Court and six of its justices - was skillfully unmasked earlier this morning by MSNBC correspondents...
Here I go, out on the road again. Here I go, up on the stage. Here I go, playing star again. Here I go, turn the page   Bob Segar -- Turn The Page Thank you for the weather, Chicago! On...
The subject of this article is actually nothing new. In fact I've written about various facets of it in several different articles. But the current events of today have started to coalesce some of these disparate portions into one...
I went to bed last night after the same-day votes from Dekalb County, Georgia began to come in and made it clear that Reverend Warnock had secured his reelection bid and thus had made life a whole lot easier...
This is getting ridiculous. Even before Traitor Tot was under investigation, much less indicted, he was bellowing that new President Joe Biden was weaponizing the DOJ to go after patriotic Americans exercising their First Amendment rights. English translation: A mob of ragtag neo Nazi's and Klansmen breaking into...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead