Amy Coney Barrett's name was floated the last time a supreme court opening occurred, but instead we got Brett Kavanaugh, replete with "boofing," "Devil's Triangle," and the heart wrenching sexual assault testimony of Christine Blasey Ford. Incredible as it...
Chief Justice John Roberts and five of his fellow Federalist Society F**kwads infesting our Supreme Court must increasingly be feeling like the guy in the title picture.  Only actually sitting on the barbed wire which is smeared in feces...
You will note that in my lede I stated that the biggest problem with today’s SCOTUS decision on Presidential immunity was the beneficiary of the decision itself, Donald John Trump. Not that the whole fiasco doesn’t stink to high...
Trump, as well as other Republicans have been looking anxiously at next year, in large part because one of their tools isn't going to be available next year.  Putin and his marauding muckrakers won't be available this time.  But...
As Rachel Maddow would say, Stick a pin in this. On Tuesday Planned Parenthood, The American Civil Liberties Union, and a private law firm filed a lawsuit in the ruby red state of Missouri, challenging the states new 8 week abortion...
You know, it's kind of funny. As I've written, right now the GOP wants to talk about anything other than the content of the leaked Alito draft overturning Roe. They'll talk about the leak, they'll talk about the leak...
Slate Magazine editor, MSNBC contributor and best selling author of Lady Justice - Women, The Law, and The Battle to Save America Dahlia Lithwick, has had about enough of the CONservatives on the Supreme Court pronouncing that they are...
Just another normal day in Trump world, where the Tangerine Trigger has once again been pulled and vitriol and psychosis is now spewing out into the ethernet. Here is Donald Trump's latest entry into the national discourse. Poor Donald. His...
As is so often the case with conservatives in power, THEY of course won't have to suffer the consequences of the life and difficult life circumstances they impose on others.   THEY of course will, if they need access to...
Gee, Ron, I remember a time when SCOTUS belonged to all of us, a quaint idea, I know, now that McConnell had commandeered the whole show and made it into his very own. Still, their rabid political rulings affect...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead