As I just wrote, the super conservative Trump Heavy Supreme Court is ready to throw Roe v Wade into the garbage can, and restore states rights to adjudicate the issue on their own. The leaked Alito first draft of a majority ruling,...
You have all heard me say before that being a congress critter is, as a general rule, one of the safest jobs in the country. Once you're in, you're in. The retention rate in congress, House and Senate, is...
Donald Trump paid his electric bill, apparently. At least now we get to see what his proclamations are like when they're not done in the dark. But physical light has not leant clarity to his political positions. No, they've...
Just your U.S. Capitol Police enroute to protect SCOTUS at 10 AM this morning… At first, no snark, looking just at the still, I thought maybe this was shot in Indonesia or Myanmar, or some place like that, then I...
Did you ever have a debate (okay - argument!) with someone and later on have the proverbial light bulb come on in your head? That slap your palm against your forehead in a "WHY didn't I think to say...
13 months out, and already the winds are auguring ill for the GOP. The GOP House caucus just imploded today, throwing the GOP into chaos only 34 days before the Virginia off year elections, and making the Democrats in...
Look folks, I'm not about to suggest that the six (groomed by) Federalist Society F**kwads on SCOTUS are about to start actually being impartial Justices instead of being increasingly extreme conservative activists. However I read an article from Slate...
I can't honestly understand how the male members of the Supreme Court don't all have beards. Because I don't know how they look themselves in the face in the mirror to shave in the morning. And as for Barrett,...
And if that day was ever coming, it arrived today. And though we've known that it was coming for weeks that it was coming, now that it's arrived, the impact is even greater than I thought, due to it...
The disintegration of the Grand Old Party continues to take place before our very eyes. Here's where I see this going: the GOP is going to end up going under and a new conservative party of some kind will...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead