You read a few days ago how Jim Morrison was in witness protection and part of his "cover" if you will, was being Rush Limbaugh for 50 years. The mind who conceived of that was just warming up apparently --...
If there is one job I would absolutely not want to have, it would be Editor in Charge Of Making Sure We Don't Get Sued at Newsmax -- assuming that such a post exists. You know that somebody is...
This is an interesting pattern to take note of. Trumpty Dumpty is still able to draw a crowd, especially in traditionally deep red rural areas, but the QAnon shock troops don't seem to be able to get arrested these...
How did we get to the place where a disgraced lawyer with a messianic complex, facing disbarment on the grounds of mental instability, is headlining counter culture events all summer, spreading the Big Lie and preaching the crazed doctrine...
This is another grab your chair before you're knocked on your butt moment. Clarence Thomas, joined by Neil Gorsuch and Samuel Alito, penned a dissenting opinion in which he falsely stated that COVID vaccines are made from the cells...
Well, I must say, the Bat Guano On Steroids file is coming along splendidly. I just created it this morning and here's another entry and it's still afternoon. Get your tinfoil hat, I'll wait, and join me in examining...
Mark down today on your calendar as yet another lemming rush over the cliff for the GOP, this time by Kevin McCarthy. McCarthy is unwisely contradicting Nancy Pelosi's edict that House members and staff wear masks on the premises....
I'm always saying there are two narratives in this country running side by side, the mainstream press and the right-wing alternative reality. This is literally the truth. Anybody who thinks it's metaphor, you're wrong. We have two different information...
This is pretty sobering. It's a sad commentary on parenting when all your kid wants is to get away from you. Here's the full post so you don't have to click it. This is a terrible thing. Trumpism and QAnon in...
Desperate is as desperate does. The right-wing media machine's newest churn is that the equivalent of a war crime was committed by the development of vaccines to combat COVID-19. One RWNJ who is on top of it is Stew...



Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has. — Margaret Mead

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has.

— Margaret Mead