I'm not even going to waste any time here typing about Trump, he wouldn't know a smackdown if it bit him in the ass. But Moscow Mitch McConnell has to be a totally bummed out GOPasaurus right about now.
We vote. Sometimes we vote for a face, sometimes we vote for a principal, sometimes we vote for a particular plan or message, And sometimes we vote simply because our family has always voted. So we line up in...
(Above - "Where'd you get this poll?")
“Top Democrats are circulating a poll showing that one of the House's most progressive members — Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — has become a definitional face for the party with a crucial group of...
Kanye West's visit to the White House could not have been any stranger if some deranged playwright had sat down and invented a new genre, "Theatre of the Bizarre." In less than an hour's time, West spanned the distance...
Donald Trump likes to demand total and utter loyalty from all those who surround him. Former GOP Presidential candidate Herman Cain wasn't even one of Trump's men. But he paid the ultimate price of loyalty anyway. Weeks after ostentatiously...
You know, there's nothing I love more than watching Ali Velshi on MSNBC take apart some brainless GOP twit, usually a congressman, who dares to venture into the economic logic arena with Velshi. And it's always amusing to watch...
There are known knowns, and there are known unknowns. But then there are unknown unknowns Donald Rumsfeld
Well, well, another census has come and gone. And as a result, GOP controlled legislatures all over the country are gleefully carving up...
As far as the federal court system is concerned, Trump's suit to stop the Archives from turning over his papers to the 1/6 committee is flying through the system at warp speed.
It took less than a month for the...
We now know that because Barack Obama routinely concerned himself with the fact that black men often seemed to be needlessly killed by the police, some good old-fashioned racism was called for, or something like that, according to ex-Senator...
I like to think about this as a Public Service Announcement for my readers who, while interested in politics, and more importantly the direction the country is going, nonetheless have issues like jobs, spouses, children and wives that keep...